How to: Improve your UI Designs

4 min readJul 17, 2023


When it comes to user interface (UI) design, small details can make a big difference in creating an appealing and user-friendly experience. In this article, we will explore two important aspects of UI design: the border radius trick and the proper use of fonts. By mastering these techniques, you can significantly enhance the visual aesthetics and usability of your designs.

1. The Border Radius Trick

The border radius trick is a simple yet powerful technique that can add depth and sophistication to your UI elements. It involves rounding the corners of buttons, cards, and other components using the CSS border-radius property. Let’s delve into why this trick is effective and how you can leverage it.

Border Radius Trick

Benefits of the Border Radius Trick

  • Visual Appeal: By softening sharp edges, the border radius trick adds a touch of elegance to your UI elements. Rounded corners can create a more welcoming and friendly appearance, making users feel more comfortable interacting with your interface.
  • Visual Hierarchy: Incorporating different border radii across various elements can help establish a visual hierarchy. Larger border radii on primary elements can draw attention and guide users’ focus, while smaller radii on secondary elements can provide a subtle distinction without overpowering the design.
  • Enhanced Usability: Rounded corners can improve the overall usability of your UI. They reduce the risk of accidental clicks or taps by enlarging the clickable area and making it more forgiving. This is particularly important for mobile interfaces where precision can be challenging.

Best Practices for Using the Border Radius Trick

  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent border radius across related elements to ensure visual harmony and cohesion. For instance, buttons within the same UI component should have similar radii to create a unified look.
  • Proportionality: Consider the overall design and purpose of your UI element when determining the appropriate border radius. Strive for a balance between gentle curves and sharp angles, depending on the desired aesthetic and the surrounding elements.
  • Accessibility: While rounded corners can enhance the visual appeal, be mindful of accessibility requirements. Ensure that the rounded edges do not hinder the legibility of text or make interactive elements difficult to distinguish for users with visual impairments.

2. Avoiding Thin and Light Fonts

Typography plays a crucial role in UI design, as it directly influences readability and the overall user experience. Choosing the right font weight is essential for legibility and ensuring your content is easily digestible. Thin and light fonts may look stylish, but they can pose challenges when it comes to readability, especially on digital screens. Here’s why you should consider avoiding them.

Avoiding Thin and Light Fonts

Issues with Thin and Light Fonts

  • Low Contrast: Thin and light fonts often lack the necessary contrast against the background, leading to poor legibility, especially in low-light conditions or on screens with lower resolution. Users may struggle to read the content, which can be frustrating and discourage engagement.
  • Limited Readability: Thin strokes and delicate letterforms can become less distinct when displayed in smaller sizes or on screens with varying pixel densities. This can result in blurred or pixelated text, making it harder for users to comprehend the information presented.

Recommended Font Weights for UI Design

  • Regular or Medium: Opt for fonts with slightly higher weights, such as regular or medium, for the majority of your UI text. These weights strike a good balance between readability and style, ensuring that your content is clear and easy to read across different devices.
  • Bold for Emphasis: When you need to emphasize specific elements or headings, consider using bolder font weights. This helps draw attention to important information without sacrificing legibility.
  • Use Thin and Light Fonts Sparingly: If you still want to incorporate thin or light fonts for decorative purposes or specific UI elements, use them sparingly and in larger sizes where legibility is less of a concern.


By utilizing the border radius trick and being mindful of font weights, you can significantly enhance your UI designs. The border radius trick adds a touch of elegance, improves visual hierarchy, and enhances usability. Meanwhile, avoiding thin and light fonts ensures better readability and a more user-friendly experience. Remember to experiment, test your designs with different devices and screen sizes, and always prioritize accessibility to create UIs that are both visually appealing and functional.

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