Mega Project Blog 2

Hammad Ali - 435
8 min readMay 30, 2023


1)Were you able to meet their goals?

Yes, we met our goal for the project, which was to convert plastic bottles into pencil boxes and pen holders. Our primary objective was to find a creative and practical way to repurpose plastic bottles, addressing the issue of plastic waste and promoting sustainability.

We carefully planned and executed each step throughout the project to achieve our desired outcomes. We began by collecting plastic bottles from various sources, such as community members. This initial phase involved raising awareness about the importance of recycling and encouraging individuals to contribute to our cause.

Once we accumulated a significant quantity of plastic bottles, we proceeded with the cleaning and sanitization process. We implemented a method that effectively removed contaminants or residues from the bottles, ensuring they were safe for use in our pencil boxes and pen holders.

The next crucial phase involved the design and production of the final products. We paid careful attention to quality, functionality, and durability, aiming to provide products that fulfilled their intended purpose and met customer expectations.

After successfully manufacturing the pencil boxes and pen holders, we check them by placing pens and pencils.

In terms of achieving our goals, we also aimed to impact the environment and society positively. By repurposing plastic bottles, we diverted them from landfills or potential pollution sources, contributing to waste reduction and environmental preservation. Furthermore, we created awareness about the importance of recycling and sustainability, encouraging individuals to adopt eco-friendly practices.

Overall, by successfully converting plastic bottles into functional and attractive pencil boxes and pen holders, we were able to meet our goals for the project and contribute to a more sustainable future.

2) What were the challenges?

During our project to convert plastic bottles into pencil boxes and pen holders, we encountered several challenges that required careful problem-solving and adaptation. These challenges included:

  1. Collecting Enough Plastic Bottles: One of the initial hurdles we faced was sourcing adequate plastic bottles for our project. We relied on bottles that we use and community members. Initially, collecting a significant volume of bottles took a lot of work. Still, we overcame this challenge and gathered a substantial supply.
  2. Cleaning and Sanitization: Cleaning and sanitizing the collected plastic bottles proved another challenge. Ensuring that the bottles were thoroughly cleaned and free from any contaminants or residues was crucial to maintaining the quality and safety of the final products. We had to develop an efficient cleaning process that effectively removed labels, adhesives, dirt, and other impurities from the bottles.
  3. Design and Manufacturing: Designing and manufacturing the pencil boxes and pen holders posed challenges. We had to create functional, visually appealing designs that could be efficiently produced using recycled plastic bottles. This required expertise in product design, material compatibility, and manufacturing techniques. Iterative prototyping and testing were necessary to refine the designs and ensure they met our durability, usability, and aesthetics standards.
  4. Quality Control: Maintaining consistent quality across many pencil boxes and pen holders was a significant challenge. This involved checking for structure, smooth finishes, proper assembly, and appropriate storage capacity.
  5. Promoting Awareness and Adoption: Another challenge was promoting the adoption and acceptance of our recycled pencil boxes and pen holders in the market. We had to overcome potential biases surrounding products made from recycled materials. Marketing and educating the target audience about our products’ environmental benefits, durability, and functionality played a vital role in overcoming these challenges. Collaborating with schools, helped raise awareness and generate interest in our eco-friendly products.

Despite these challenges, we remained dedicated and resourceful, continuously finding innovative solutions to overcome obstacles throughout the project. By addressing these challenges head-on, we completed the project and achieved our goals of converting plastic bottles into functional and sustainable pencil boxes and pen holders.

3)What was the outcome?

The outcome of our project to convert plastic bottles into pencil boxes and pen holders was highly successful. We were able to achieve our intended objectives and generate significant positive impacts. The outcomes of the project include:

  1. Creation of Eco-Friendly Products: The primary outcome of the project was the successful creation of functional and attractive pencil boxes and pen holders using recycled plastic bottles. These products provided a sustainable and environmentally
  2. friendly alternative to traditional pencil boxes and pen holders, typically made from non-recyclable materials. By repurposing plastic bottles, we contributed to waste reduction and promoted the concept of upcycling.
  3. Waste Reduction and Environmental Preservation: By converting plastic bottles into useful products, we effectively diverted considerable plastic waste from landfills and potential pollution sources. This contributed to waste reduction and environmental preservation. By promoting the idea of reusing materials, we helped reduce the demand for new plastic products, thereby mitigating the environmental impact associated with plastic production and disposal.
  1. Awareness and Education: The project also had an important educational component. By undertaking this initiative, we raised awareness about the importance of recycling and sustainable practices. We engaged with community members, schools, to promote recycling and demonstrate the potential of transforming waste materials into valuable products. Through our efforts, we helped foster a sense of environmental responsibility and encouraged individuals to consider the impact of their consumption choices.

2. Market Availability of Eco-Friendly Products: As a result of the project’s success, pencil boxes and pen holders made from recycled plastic bottles were available. The availability of these eco-friendly products provided an opportunity for individuals, schools, to support sustainable practices by opting for recycled materials.

3.Economic and Social Impact: The project also had positive economic and social implications. Additionally, the availability of affordable and sustainable pencil boxes and pen holders enabled individuals from various socio-economic backgrounds to access environmentally friendly stationery solutions.

Overall, the outcome of our project to convert plastic bottles into pencil boxes and pen holders was a resounding success. We addressed environmental concerns, created awareness, provided sustainable alternatives, and contributed to waste reduction. The project’s positive outcomes extended beyond the environmental sphere, encompassing economic and social aspects.

4)How many people were you able to impact?

We impacted many people through our project of converting plastic bottles into pencil boxes and pen holders. The reach and impact of our project extended to various individuals and groups, including:

  1. Community Members: We engaged with community members during the collection phase of the project. Through awareness campaigns we encouraged individuals to donate their plastic bottles for repurposing. This engagement helped raise awareness about the importance of recycling and allowed community members to participate in sustainable practices actively.
  2. Students and Teachers: We directly impacted students and teachers by distributing the pencil boxes and pen holders to schools. These eco-friendly products provided them with practical tools for organizing their stationery while showcasing the benefits of recycling and upcycling. Through this interaction, we aimed to instill a sense of environmental responsibility and inspire young minds to adopt sustainable practices.

Our project had a multi-faceted impact, reaching community members, students, teachers, . By engaging with and inspiring these various stakeholders, we aimed to foster a culture of sustainability and create a positive ripple effect within the community.

5)Would they change their approach in the future?

In considering whether we would change our approach in the future for the project of converting plastic bottles into pencil boxes and pen holders, it would depend on several factors. However, here are some potential areas where we might consider making changes or improvements:

  1. Scaling Up Production: If the project proves to be highly successful and the demand for our recycled pencil boxes and pen holders increases significantly, we may need to reassess and enhance our production capabilities.
  2. Community Engagement and Education: We could strongly emphasize community engagement and education in the future. This might involve organizing workshops, seminars, or awareness campaigns to educate individuals about the importance of recycling, upcycling, and sustainable practices. We can create a more significant and lasting impact by fostering a deeper understanding and engagement within the community.
  3. Collaboration with Stakeholders: In the future, we might seek increased collaboration with government bodies, environmental organizations, and industry experts. By working together, we can leverage their expertise, resources, and networks to amplify the impact of our project. Collaborative efforts could also lead to policy advocacy, infrastructure improvements, and greater support for recycling initiatives.

The specific changes to our approach would depend on market trends, technological advancements, and other relevant factors. Flexibility and adaptability are key to ensuring our project’s continued success and relevance in the future.

6)How would you continue this project in the future?

We have decided not to continue the project of converting plastic bottles into pencil boxes and pen holders in the future, there are likely valid reasons behind this decision. Here are some potential factors that have influenced our choice:

  1. Shift in Priorities: Our priorities and focus areas may change over time. We may have identified other projects or initiatives that align more closely with our current goals and objectives. As a result, we have decided to allocate our resources and efforts toward those new endeavors.
  2. Market Demand and Viability: Market factors also drive the decision to discontinue a project. We have found limited demand for the recycled pencil boxes and pen holders or the project’s profitability could be more sustainable in the long term, shifting our focus to more viable opportunities may be reasonable.
  3. Resource Allocation: Projects require time, finances, and human resources. These resources are limited, need to be allocated to other initiatives, continuing the plastic bottle conversion project is not feasible. Prioritizing resource allocation ensures efficient use and maximizes the impact of our efforts.
  4. Lessons Learned and Growth: Throughout the completion of the project, we gained valuable insights and experiences. These lessons learned influenced our decision not to continue the project in the future. By recognizing the project’s strengths and limitations, we can redirect our efforts toward new endeavors that align better with our vision and goals.
  5. Environmental Considerations: While the project aimed to repurpose plastic bottles and promote sustainability, we may have identified other projects or initiatives with a more significant environmental impact or addressing a specific environmental concern. We can focus on creating a more substantial and targeted environmental change by redirecting our efforts toward these new initiatives.

We need to make informed decisions about the continuation or discontinuation of projects. By evaluating the market, resources, priorities, and environmental considerations, we can ensure that our efforts are aligned with our goals and have the most significant impact. It is also important to remain open to future opportunities as circumstances and needs evolve.

