2 min readOct 2, 2023

History of Masjid al-Jinn:


Masjid al-jinn is a masjid in Makkah, Saudi Arabia located near jannat al-Mu’alla.

Masjid al-Jinn

Masjid al-jinn is also called Masjid of Allegiance as it was constructed on the location where Jinn beings pledged themselves to Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and accepted the teachings of Islam.

Famous for:

The most famous of the account says that Muhammad(PBUH) recited the Qur’an to the Jinn tribe, who then embraced Islam and become belivers.

Front picture of Masjid al-jinn

Islamic history:

According to islamic history, Masjid al-Jinn was built in 1700 where Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) recited a portion of Holy Qur’an to a tribe of jinns.

Inside of masjid al-jinn

Reference from Qur’an:

A group of jinns declare their Islam as described in the Qur’an Surah Jin verses 1-2 It has been revealed to me that a group of jinn listen to the Qur’an. Then, they say: Verily we have heard a wonderful Qur’an ,which guides to the right path. Therefore, we believe in it and we will not associate partners with Allah SWT with anyone.

This incident occurred when the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and his companions were performing the fajr prayer.At that time the , Messager of Allah read Surah Ar-Rahman[55] verses 1-78.

Masjid al-jinn

In Surah Ar-Rahman there are several verses that read , So which of the favours of your Lord do you deny? When this verse was read, the Jinn who were present at that time immediately replied with the sentence, O our Lord, indeed we do not deny Your favors in the slightest.All praise is only to You who has given us physical and spiritual blessings.

Jinn have more respect for verses:

When the verse of Qur’an asks something,the jinns are quick to respond to Allah’s question. Meanwhile,the companions were still silent and transfixed listening to these verses.The jinn have more respect for verses that use istifham sentences(questions) than humans.