Can Cats Eat Wheatgrass? A Vet’s Guide to Safely Introducing Wheatgrass to Your Feline Friend

3 min readDec 30, 2023


As a devoted cat owner, the idea of adding wheatgrass to your cat’s menu might have crossed your mind. But is it genuinely safe and beneficial for our feline companions? This article dives into the topic, exploring the potential perks, risks, and how to seamlessly incorporate wheatgrass into your cat’s diet.

Introduction: Can Cats Eat Wheatgrass?

Wheatgrass, those vibrant green shoots sprouting from wheat seeds, is celebrated for its concentrated chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals — commonly consumed by humans in juice or powder form. Yet, the question lingers: is it suitable for our feline friends? This article aims to illuminate whether cats can indeed eat wheatgrass and the factors to consider.

Can Cats Eat Wheatgrass? Assessing the Nutritional Profile

Wheatgrass flaunts chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, making it a sought-after health supplement for humans. However, given cats’ unique nutritional needs, we must carefully evaluate whether wheatgrass aligns with their requirements.

Can cats eat wheatgrass?

In moderation, wheatgrass is generally safe for cats. It packs antioxidants, vitamin K, and fiber, potentially benefiting their skin health, digestion, and immunity. Yet, caution is warranted, as excessive consumption might lead to nausea or constipation due to cats’ challenges in digesting plant-based fibers. Always consult your vet before introducing wheatgrass into your cat’s diet.

Is wheatgrass safe for cats?

Cats are instinctively drawn to the vibrant hues and textures of wheatgrass, enticed by its mild, pleasant aroma. While small quantities are safe, cats lack the digestive enzymes to efficiently process large amounts of greens. Careful supervision and a gradual introduction are paramount to gauge your cat’s tolerance.

Is wheatgrass poisonous to cats?

Wheatgrass itself isn’t toxic to cats in moderation. However, potential risks arise from oxalates, hindering nutrient absorption, and mold growth in improperly harvested or stored wheatgrass. Although not fatal, excess wheatgrass can lead to adverse effects, stressing the importance of controlled portions and vigilant monitoring.

Benefits of Wheatgrass for Cats: Understanding Nutrient Contributions

Occasional and limited consumption of wheatgrass can provide essential nutrients for cats, such as:

  • Vitamin K for healthy blood clotting
  • Iron for oxygen transport in the blood
  • Magnesium for bone health
  • Fiber for improved digestion and stool formation
  • Chlorophyll for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

While beneficial, cats should primarily derive nutrition from meat-based proteins, treating wheatgrass as a supplementary, not staple, food source.

How to Safely Introduce Wheatgrass to Cats: Practical Tips

When introducing wheatgrass into your cat’s diet, adhere to these guidelines:

  1. Opt for fresh, organic wheatgrass over dried variants.
  2. Thoroughly inspect for mold before feeding.
  3. Finely chop wheatgrass to release chlorophyll and nutrients.
  4. Mix a small amount into your cat’s wet food.
  5. Begin with minimal portions, gradually increasing over time.
  6. Monitor stool consistency and halt use if digestive issues arise.
  7. Respect your cat’s preferences; avoid force-feeding wheatgrass.

Alternatives and Supplements: Diversifying Your Cat’s Diet

In addition to wheatgrass, consider offering these easily digestible greens in moderation:

  • Oat grass
  • Barley grass
  • Catnip
  • Cat thyme
  • Bee pollen
  • Spirulina powder

Quality cat food brands aligning with feline dietary needs include:

  • Smalls — Fresh frozen raw food
  • Darwin’s — Natural raw formulas
  • Instinct — High protein, grain-free options
  • Tiki Cat — Low-carb wet food
  • Wysong — High meat content

In Conclusion: Can Cats Eat Wheatgrass? A Balanced Approach

While wheatgrass is likely safe for most cats in small quantities, moderation is key. Cats, being obligate carnivores, derive limited nutrient value from greens. Always consult your veterinarian before making significant dietary changes and closely observe your cat’s individual response. Consider alternative greens and supplements to provide a diverse and balanced diet for your feline companion.

