Lesson I’ve learned from the fellowship

4 min readFeb 2, 2018


It’s not been very far when I applied for the Amal fellowship 3 months before. At that time I did not have any idea about What is the Amal Academy? what is the vision of Amal Academy behind this fellowship? What fellows actually learn during this fellowship? and What are the benefits of this fellowship?

I was just passing from the corridor at University of Agriculture Faisalabad and I saw an Amal Academy information desk there, where Amal ambassadors were guiding university students about Amal fellowship and handing over pamphlets to them. They were talking with students very politely and they guided me as well very humbly when I approach them to ask about this fellowship. Actually on that day I listened the name of Amal Academy for the very first time and when I came to know that this fellowship is actually about helping students to polish their personal and interpersonal skills that is the most demanding need of the employers, I immediately decided to apply for this fellowship.

From that day to today when I am writing about most important lesson that I have learned during this fellowship, there is a complete picture of this beautiful journey wandering through my mind and it is difficult to believe that 3 months long journey just have came to its end.

It is very difficult for me to consider only one important lesson because I have learned so many important lessons during this fellowship. I have learned about making new connections, paying gratitude, life long learning, teamwork, leadership, problem solving, time management and this fellowship help me alot to polish my writing and communication skills. At this stage, I am feeling that this was the bestest decision of my life to join this fellowship and I am proud of being a part of Amal family.

The most important lesson that I have learned is “POSITIVE THINKING”. Positive thinking is actually the key to live a happy and successful life. It gives you an inner power of influencing the world in a positive way. Positive thinking is a chance to turn your failures into achievements and your sorrows into so goods. It is a power to defeat negative vibes and is a foundation to live your dream life.

“It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive.”
Ellen DeGenere

Positive thinking is actually a way towards success and inner satisfaction because with positive approach you can handle even the worst situation with cool state of mind and can tackle all the problems of your life easily that guarantee your success. With positivity you can not only change your life, but you can affect lives of so many people in your surroundings by spreading your positive vibes around you. Spreading positivity is actually serving humanity and this feeling of serving creature of ALLAH gives you satisfaction from inside that you are doing somewhat good.

Positive thinking is as much important as to live a life of purpose. As without knowing your life of purpose, you can never defeat your inner laziness to do something to create a change in society; in the same way without positive thinking, you can not live a happy and successful life. Positive thinking is actually basic ingredient towards taking any initiative in life because unless you don’t have positive thinking you don’t have believe in yourself to create a positive impact on society.

“Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we behave. And I firmly believe that when I am positive, it not only makes me better, but it also makes those around me better.”

— Harvey Mackay

With power of positivity, you can defeat storms of negativity in your surroundings and can change lives of so many people by converting their negative thinking to positive thinking and this positive thinking actually can lead their lives towards happiness. This chain of positivity can never be broken because only one person with positive approach and mindset have the ability to change other’s lives by increasing their believes in themselves and by leading them towards the path of inner satisfaction and success. Thus in this way the positivity goes on spreading and continuously goes on creating its unbelievable impacts. I am trying and In shaa Allah will keep trying to serve humanity by adopting this positive approach and by spreading positivity. I want to become a role model of positivity to an extent where I can inspire people to follow my style of thinking.

