A Hunger Artist by Franz Kafka.

hamna syed
3 min readJun 10, 2023

Today, Kafka’s “A Hunger Artist” is widely regarded as a masterpiece of literature, exploring themes such as the alienation of the individual in society, the paradox of artistic suffering, and the search for meaning in a world that often seems devoid of it. This short story has resonated with readers for decades, both for its haunting portrayal of the “hunger artist’s” decline and death as well as its profound philosophical implications. Scholars and literary enthusiasts alike have analyzed the story’s rich symbolism, examining everything from its religious connotations to its commentary on Kafka’s struggles as an artist. Overall, Kafka’s “A Hunger Artist” is a complex and thought-provoking work that continues to captivate readers around the world.

In Kafka’s short story, “A Hunger Artist,” the author presents a character who defies societal norms and expectations. The hunger artist is a symbol of individuality, nonconformity, and rebellion against conventional societal demands for immediate gratification. The hunger artist’s voluntary starvation serves as a strong allegory for the modern world’s obsession with consumerism and the general disregard for spiritual or intellectual pursuits instead of focusing on superficial and temporary pleasures. Throughout the story, Kafka explores themes such as isolation and loneliness, authenticity, and the human search for meaning. Kafka portrays the hunger artist as a tragic figure who fails to find understanding and recognition in society despite his exceptional talent.

The story highlights the human condition of longing for something more significant and deeper than physical needs and pleasures. A man who earns his living by traveling around and putting on public displays of fasting. His fasting lasts for several days, and people come from far and wide to witness his art. However, eventually, his popularity dwindles as people lose interest in his act, and he is put out of a job. As the Hunger Artist becomes irrelevant, he is even abandoned by his former manager who admits that fasting has lost its appeal and is no longer appreciated. The story presents a critique of modern society and consumer culture, where people’s attention spans are short and their focus is on instant gratification rather than appreciating depth and meaning. Throughout the story, the Hunger Artist struggles to gain recognition and validation for his art form, highlighting societal pressures to conform and achieve instant success. The Hunger Artist ultimately dies alone and forgotten, with his art becoming a mere footnote in history. The story has been widely interpreted as an allegory for Kafka’s struggles as a writer, trying to find his place in a world that did not appreciate his unique perspective and artistic expression.

The themes depicted in “A Hunger Artist” represent existentialist philosophy, a prominent movement throughout Europe during Kafka’s time. Existentialist philosophers, such as Jean-Paul Sartre and Martin Heidegger, questioned the meaning of existence in a seemingly meaningless world. They argued that individuals are solely responsible for creating their meaning and purpose in life. This philosophy resonates strongly with Kafka’s portrayal of the Hunger Artist, who is driven by an intense desire to find fulfillment in his chosen profession. His profession is a metaphor for the human condition, as he spends his life searching for something that may not even exist. Furthermore, the Hunger Artist’s isolation and alienation from society reflect another critical theme in existentialist philosophy — that humans are inherently alone in the world, and must create their sense of belonging and purpose.

Overall, Kafka’s Hunger Artist is a profound exploration of existentialist philosophy that illuminates the inherent loneliness and isolation of human existence. It urges its readers to question their sense of purpose and belonging, calling upon them to reflect upon the themes of loneliness, isolation, and the search for meaning in their own lives.



hamna syed

A literature enthusiast making her way through writing papers and research work.