The Rise of Open Source LLMs

A Journey into the Future of AI

Hamsa Jama
7 min readMay 6, 2023
Generated using Midjourney

Remember that time you asked your AI assistant for a restaurant recommendation, and it somehow knew exactly what you were craving? Or when your translation app saved you from a potentially embarrassing language mishap on your last vacation? Moments like these are made possible by the amazing technology of large language models (LLMs). LLMs have been transforming the AI world for some time now, but there’s a new movement that’s piquing everyone’s curiosity: open source LLMs.

The excitement around open source LLMs stems from their potential to address concerns related to closed source models, such as a lack of transparency and potential monopolisation. In this captivating journey, we shall delve into the realm of open source LLMs, exploring the benefits they provide, the hurdles they encounter, and the remarkable real-world influence they’re already wielding. Throughout our discussion, we’ll offer resources and recommendations for how you can become involved, and we’d be delighted to learn about your own experiences or opinions on this enthralling subject.

Closed-source LLMs

The world of closed source LLMs can be somewhat mysterious, as they are owned and controlled by a select few big players. While they provide powerful AI capabilities, their secretive nature raises questions about bias, transparency, and competition. The limited access to their inner workings and control over their development makes it hard to ensure that these models are unbiased and accurate.

In contrast, open source LLMs are designed to be more transparent, fostering collaboration and accessibility. This allows a wider range of developers and researchers to contribute to the improvement of these AI models, which in turn helps to minimise biases and spur innovation.

The Advantages of Open Source LLMs

As open-source models become faster, more customisable, and more private, they present a formidable challenge to established market leaders.

Open source LLMs bring a wealth of benefits to the AI landscape. Firstly, their transparent nature enables anyone to scrutinise their inner workings, understand their functionality, and contribute to their improvement. This democratisation of AI technology encourages a diverse range of developers and researchers to participate, which in turn helps mitigate biases and enhance the overall accuracy of the technology.

Additionally, open source LLMs lower entry barriers for developers and researchers, empowering a wider group of individuals to experiment with AI and develop innovative solutions. This paves the way for accelerated advancements in AI technology and fosters a more resilient AI ecosystem.

As the open-source LLM movement gains momentum, major tech players like Google and OpenAI cannot afford to overlook the rapid progress made by the open-source community. As highlighted in a recent article “We Have No Moat And neither does OpenAI” neither Google nor OpenAI is well-prepared to dominate the AI race without embracing the open-source LLM movement.

Open-source LLMs have already reached significant milestones, such as implementing foundation models on smartphones, developing scalable personal AI, and integrating multimodality. As open-source models become faster, more customisable, and more private, they present a formidable challenge to established market leaders. By actively engaging in the development and discourse surrounding open-source LLMs, we can contribute to building AI technologies that are more equitable, efficient, and beneficial for society at large.

Open Source LLM Success Stories in Action

The metamorphic potential of open source LLMs is already apparent via an assortment of real-world initiatives that exemplify their influence on the AI community. Let us examine three such triumphant accounts more closely, highlighting their achievements and their role in moulding the future of AI.

Case Study 1: Hugging Face and the Transformers Library

Hugging Face, an AI research company, has become a frontrunner in open source LLM development with their widely popular Transformers library. This library provides a vast collection of pre-trained models and tools for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, making it easy for researchers and developers to work with state-of-the-art LLMs.

The Transformers library has enabled countless AI applications and research projects across a wide range of domains. Its open source nature has fostered a vibrant community, leading to continuous improvements, bug fixes, and feature additions. The Hugging Face project exemplifies the power of open collaboration, showcasing how transparent development can lead to accelerated innovation and widespread adoption of LLMs.

Case Study 2: EleutherAI and GPT-Neo

EleutherAI, a research organisation focused on AI and machine learning, has made significant strides in open source LLM development with their GPT-Neo model. GPT-Neo is an openly accessible alternative to closed source models like GPT-3 and has been designed to prioritise transparency, collaboration, and ethical considerations.

GPT-Neo has empowered researchers and developers around the world by providing a powerful, open source LLM that can be utilised for a wide array of applications, from language translation to content generation. By encouraging open collaboration, EleutherAI has created a platform where AI enthusiasts can contribute to the development and improvement of GPT-Neo, ensuring that the model remains up-to-date and relevant.

The success of GPT-Neo highlights the potential of open source LLMs to democratise access to cutting-edge AI technology, reduce dependency on proprietary models, and promote ethical AI development. By fostering a diverse community of contributors, EleutherAI demonstrates how open source LLMs can drive innovation and create more equitable AI ecosystems.

Case Study 3: OpenAI and the Codex Model

OpenAI, a leading AI research organisation, released Codex, an open source LLM designed for programming tasks. Codex powers various applications, including GitHub Copilot, which offers suggestions for writing code and completes code snippets based on user input.

By making Codex open source, OpenAI has enabled developers and researchers to build upon and improve the model, as well as to create custom applications that harness its capabilities. The availability of Codex has fostered innovation and collaboration, leading to the development of new programming tools and solutions that leverage AI.

These case studies provide tangible evidence of the incredible potential of open source LLMs, showcasing how they can revolutionise the AI landscape and address concerns associated with closed source models. By promoting transparency, collaboration, and ethical development, open source LLMs are playing a crucial role in shaping a more inclusive and innovative AI community.

Navigating the Challenges and Drawbacks of Open Source LLMs

Naturally, open source LLMs face their fair share of challenges and drawbacks. Issues such as data privacy, performance, and ethics can make the development process more complicated. For example, ensuring data privacy can be more difficult in open source projects, as multiple parties have access to the data used to train the models. Additionally, maintaining consistent performance and quality standards across various open source contributions can be challenging.

However, these challenges can be mitigated or addressed through effective collaboration, strict guidelines, and community oversight. Establishing clear protocols for data handling, contribution, and review can help ensure that open source LLMs are developed ethically and maintain high-quality standards.

Get Involved in Open Source LLM Projects

Should you be fascinated by the world of open source LLMs and desire to get involved, there are countless ways to make a contribution, regardless of your background or experience. Below are some actionable suggestions and resources to help you delve into this captivating field:

Explore existing projects: Familiarise yourself with ongoing open source LLM projects, such as GPT4All, to understand their goals, methodologies, and progress.

Learn the basics: If you’re new to AI or LLMs, start by learning the fundamentals through online courses, tutorials, or workshops. Many resources are available for free, catering to different experience levels.

Contribute your skills: Once you feel comfortable with the basics, consider contributing to an open source LLM project that aligns with your interests. You can offer your expertise in areas like coding, data analysis, or even documentation and community management.

Become a part of the community: Connect with the open source LLM community via forums, social media platforms, or local gatherings. This can assist you in staying informed about recent advancements, learning from others, and sharing your personal experiences or thoughts.

Champion open source LLMs: Aid in raising awareness of the advantages of open source LLMs by recounting your experiences, joining in discussions, or even authoring articles or blog entries on the subject.

Share Your Thoughts and Experiences

As we investigate the thrilling realm of open source LLMs collectively, we’re eager to hear your opinions, experiences, or queries. Have you got a triumphant tale to recount, or perhaps you’ve faced some obstacles whilst working on an open source LLM endeavour? Regardless of your experiences, we encourage you to share them in the comments section or on social media, utilising the hashtag #OpenSourceLLM.

United, we can cultivate a dynamic and cooperative community that moulds the future of AI for the better and unleashes the vast potential of open source large language models.

Wrapping Up

As we conclude our engaging exploration of open source LLMs, it’s evident that these models hold the potential to reshape the AI landscape in a positive way. By promoting collaboration, transparency, and ethical development, open source LLMs encourage a more inclusive and innovative AI community.

As we persist in examining and debating the potential of open source LLMs, it’s vital to recognise the significance of cooperation among stakeholders and the necessity to actively engage in this constantly changing domain. Through collective efforts, we can guarantee that the advancement of AI technology stays ethical, approachable, and advantageous for everyone.

Thus, let’s maintain the dialogue, learn from one another, and delve further into the thrilling realm of open source LLMs. United, we can mould the future of AI for the better and unleash the tremendous capabilities this technology possesses.



Hamsa Jama

I'm a London-based Software Engineer with a passion for software development and artificial intelligence