Every Dog Needs Training

Taylor Hamscher
3 min readOct 7, 2019


I know what you’re thinking, training is too expensive and not necessary. You also may be thinking, “I can just train my dog myself, I don’t need to pay someone to do it for me.” Well, that’s where you’re wrong.

Taken on 9/3/19

Why should I pay to have my dog trained?

Dog trainers are certified in, you guessed it, training dogs. You aren’t just paying for someone random to train your dog. They must go through courses to learn the best methods to teach your dog the basics. It is smart to start your dog at a young age. However, if you rescue an older dog, trainers will know how to teach an old dog new tricks! Also, trainers are the only people who can award your dog with certifications like AKC S.T.A.R Puppy and American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen.

When you make the trip to go to training, your dog learns that this is the place where they learn new things. My dog, Meeko, got to know his trainer and was such a quick learner each week. Most classes are with other dogs as well, so you get to familiarize your dog with other dogs as you train.

What are the levels of training?

These are the levels of training provided by the Animal Humane Society:

  • Level 1: Foundation Skills
  • Level 2: Skill Building
  • Level 3: Reliability
  • Level 4: Advanced Skills
  • Level 5: Expert Skills
  • Canine Good Citizen Prep

Not every training facility will offer the same classes, but they will cover similar criteria. The result of the full training would be your dog passing the test to get certified as an AKC Canine Good Citizen.

Taken on 12/1/18

Where do I find places to train my dog?

Multiple places offer dog training. You can google “dog training near me” and a list of places will show up from private training facilities to pet stores. I took Meeko to Petco as a puppy and it was a great experience.

What will my dog learn?

Depending on how much training you sign your dog up for will depend on what they learn. Meeko completed both of the puppy training courses at Petco.

Some of the things he learned were:

  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Lay down
  • High five
  • Rollover
  • Wait
  • Turn around
  • Not to pull while walking on a leash
Taken on 3/4/19

My experience:

I enjoyed taking Meeko to Petco as a puppy because they taught him the basics at a great price. Not only did his trainer teach him new things each week, but she would introduce him to new treats and foods. His trainer also taught us about different dog brands and what ingredients to look for in foods.

Meeko got certified as an AKC S.T.A.R Puppy. We plan to continue his training through another facility in my area that is a little more advanced. Our end goal for him is to become a certified therapy dog!

Lastly, Meeko didn’t just go to training for an hour each week and perfect his tricks, we had to practice with him. It is very important to practice every day with your dog because practice makes perfect!



Taylor Hamscher

Dog mom of an alaskan malamute, Meeko. Penn State student. Here’s my blog filled with advice for caring for a “gentle giant”.