Best Advice for first-time entrepreneurs

Hamza Nofil
3 min readJun 26, 2018


Starting a new business is a grueling process, especially for first-time entrepreneurs who are not familiar with the dos and don’ts of starting a company. So, for those new entrepreneurs who are looking to begin their startup, and also those who want some business advice, I recommend you keep reading. The advice I’ll be giving are quite general and not specific to any industry so that everyone finds something of value in them. Let’s begin:

Service the Market:

Your startup should solve a problem in the market or service a need that the market requires. Granted your company does either of these things (or even both!), there’s a good chance that your business has the potential to thrive in the market, but having a good idea alone is not going to create a successful business!

Good Business Plan:

Essentially, business plans are like blueprints for your startup. A good business plan maps out the company’s every minute detail, from the idea, marketing, operation, all the way to the action plan. They not only help in starting and running the business, but they can also be used to secure funding from investors. In the early stages, before the business is even born, you can use a business plan to rally investors to your side, to get them to believe in you and this means that the better the business plan, the easier it should be to secure funding.

Take Risks

Turning a new and fresh idea into a successful business can be a daunting and almost scary endeavor because you don’t know how the target audience is going to react to it, and audience reaction can make or break a business. No amount of research can ever truly one hundred percent predict the audience reaction, but it does provide a good idea of what you can expect. So, basically what I’m saying is that turning that idea into a business is a considerable risk, and this is where a lot of entrepreneurs back out because they fear failure. My advice here is that if you believe that your idea has the potential to be successful and if you have some substantial research to somewhat back up that claim, then you should take the risk and do your best see your dream become a reality.

Know the Competition:

Assuming you are entering an already established market, you should have extensive knowledge on your competition. You should see what they are doing, how they are doing it, what works for them, what doesn’t and how you can benefit from it. Usually, if you are offering a product or service similar to your competition (that’s established and has been around a long time) with the same quality, it’s wise to provide your product/service at a little lower price to give customers a bit of an incentive to buy from you instead.

Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to others:

It’s not practical to assume that you can perform all the functions and oversee all the on-goings of your business, so it becomes essential for an entrepreneur to give specific tasks to other like-minded, capable and trustworthy people. For the entrepreneurs entering the on-demand industry, this concern, of finding people they can trust, is put to rest by white label companies with good professional standing. The entrepreneurs can delegate the task of making the business’s systems to them, and can then focus on the benefits and profits that these systems bring.

Never Give up:

As an entrepreneur, you are going to encounter a lot of speed bumps in your life. From naysayers trying to bring you down, to your startup failing. Even then, don’t give up. Just pick yourself back up and keep persevering, keep trying with new ideas, and eventually, with backbreaking work and maybe a small amount of luck, you’ll make it.


In conclusion, no amount of advice, whatever it may be can ever guarantee your startup’s success. However, all this advice that I have given, and the advice I haven’t can come in handy in ensuring that you have the right attitude in starting a business as a first-time entrepreneur, should you choose to follow it. Just remember never to give up, try your best, play it smart, and provide a product or service that helps the market.

