5 Known Methods for Prefabricated Building Construction

Hamza Asif
3 min readJun 14, 2017


The term ‘prefabricated construction’ (or simply ‘prefab’) is still relatively new in Pakistan. It has been around for decades now in many regions of the world although it’s not preferred method of construction in Pakistan. As opposed to the conventional onsite building construction, the prefab construction means the assembling of readymade components of the structure at manufacturing sites. These readymade or prefab components of a building are then transported to the construction site via flatbed trucks. This method of construction is thought of as low-end by many people, however in reality, it is becoming more common across developed countries, and Pakistan is no exception. Today we are going to shed some light on various known methods used in prefab construction.

Concrete Panels

Casting concrete parts of a building in the factory not only saves a great deal of time but also allows for more versatility. Although the precast concrete panels are quite heavy, they are considered more durable and reliable by architectural firms and structural engineers. If we take a look at the ongoing flyover bridges construction in Lahore, we’ll see many concrete blocks being transported to the site through trucks, which is an example of concrete panels.

Steel Frames

Whether we talk about commercial or residential construction projects, steel has always been one of the most popular materials. The experts make use of steel to create super strong and durable prefabricated panels which can then be used to construct buildings. Some of the biggest examples of steel frames are high-rise buildings as well as factory warehouses.

Timber Frames

Just like steel frames, timber frame panels are also designed and manufactured within a factory and are then transported to construction site to quickly erect prefabricated homes or commercial buildings. Although the use of timber isn’t much popular in Pakistan when it comes to home construction, the method has its appreciation in many other parts of the world. Although due to environmental concerns and unchecked deforestation, timber is being substituted by more sustainable materials.

Panelized Wood Frames

The panelized wood frames are typically used in roofing. These frames are constructed out of long pieces of laminated timber which is covered by a plywood or other board roof deck. The prefabricated wood frames save a lot of time at construction site and make it extremely easier and quicker to construct roofs. False ceilings are a modern iteration of panelized wood.

Sandwich Panels

The sandwich panels are formed out of two thin facings of materials that could be concrete, plywood or stainless steel. These facings are bonded to the insulating core which is usually made of cloth, paper, rubber or foam. The sandwich panels provide best insulation and help keeping the internal temperature normal.

If we take a look at the usual methods of home construction in Pakistan we may hardly come across a prefabricated one however keeping in mind the low-cost, more durability and reduced time-consumption, the experts predict it to become one of the popular construction methods in Pakistan in the near future. That will happen whenever construction logistics, machinery and vehicular support is made economical at consumer level.

Summary of Article

Prefab construction means the assembling of readymade components of the structure at manufacturing sites. These readymade or prefab components of a building are then transported to the construction site via flatbed trucks. It is becoming more common across developed countries, and Pakistan is no exception. Today we are going to shed some light on various known methods used in prefab construction.

