Setting Goals for yourself and Self Learning

Hamza Habib
3 min readJul 23, 2018


A famous line from the book name Edhi! A Mirror To Blind written by Tehmina DurraniAbdul Sattar Edhi started giving charity that was the moment when he started loving humanity”.This means when Abdul Sattar Edhi started to give money to poors he started to love and feel for humanity. I liked this example because I can relate myself with that because I used to give things of daily use to my poor neighbours .When I passed my matric exams I have given away all the books to my school organization which will further distribute it to poor people who cannot afford to buy new ones instead of selling it at half price.

In recent times i have also collected money with the help of my friends in order to buy things of daily use and distribute it in poors. This increases my love for human beings. I learned to help and love the poor peoples and help the poors who are in desperate need of money and any other thing of daily life.

I am doing bachelors in Computer Science.My goal is to learn Languages which will help me in WEB Development especially the languages which are helpful in developing the back end of a website.e.g “php” and want to become expert in that particular languages.I want to achieve this goal because as a student of computer science it is necessary for me to have skills in some particular field so that i can get a good job in future or start as a freelancer in that particular field.Without any skill a computer science student cannot survive in IT industry.If i am able to achieve this goal i hope i will get a good job.I have faced a lot of challenges in the past to achieve this goal.

Goals should be:-


I have started to achieve this goal but every time i lose the concentration and i have to start again.I was not consistent towards achieving this goal.Sometime exams and my own laziness come in the way of achieving this goal and sometime thinking. I think i have a lot of time no problem i will start tomorrow or the day after tomorrow by doing so i have wasted a lot of time.The biggest set back for me was the sudden death of my beloved father at the end of last year.After that i was not able to come back from that sorrow and i wasted a lot of time almost six or seven months. In order to achieve this goal i have to just “start doing it now”i have be honest with myself,i have to do hard work and work daily despite of any difficulties.I have to set time which i can give daily to achieve my goal.

“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” Pele

It requires a period of time to achieve this goal.But acting upon start doing it now i have already started to learn that language which i have mentioned to learn to achieve my goal. I will keep learning this language on daily basis in order to achieve my goal.

