AWS S3 and Route 53(for hosting a project/portfolio using GoDaddy domain)

Hamza Javed
5 min readNov 24, 2019

Let’s talk about how to host a custom domain using amazon web services using S3 and Route 53. The overall process will include buying a domain name using GoDaddy(or any other Internet domain registrar and web hosting company), storing webpage using AWS S3 and then routing traffic using AWS Route53. If it’s unclear up to this point then bear with me, It will make more sense by the end.

Lets first understand how web hosting works.


DNS is a Domain Name server. Computers recognize each other using IP addresses. As humans, we aren’t very good at remembering numbers, so we have these domain name servers. In DNS, all the website domain names are stored with their IP addresses.

When you type in your browser it looks for that address in its own cache memory. If it can’t find it in its cache, it sends the query to the next level called resolver(ISP or internet service provider). Then resolver looks it in its own cache memory and if it finds the domain in its cache it will send the IP for that Domain else it will send the request to Root server from there it will go to TLD(.com, .org, .net e.t.c) and from there it will send the request to name server. The name server is the final authority here, it is responsible for knowing everything. The name server will resolve the request and send back the IP address for the domain name.

