Rama The Llama Launches Ollama

Hanan Kevich
2 min readSep 3, 2024


“I want this Ollama service to serve at least 100 users concurrently and be accessible on the AWS cloud services,” demanded the product manager.

The new VP development didn’t understand a word of what the product manager demanded of him and kept writing everything down on a page. His plan was to Google each and every term and maybe he would finally understand. He trusted me as the go-to-guy in our startup to understand the requirements and know how to develop what was required.

“Ollama, I got you bro,” I said to the product manager and smiled.

Suddenly, a llama entered the office and sat down on one of the chairs. She took out a pen and a paper and started writing something in foreign language while holding a pen in her hoof.

Everyone were shocked and thought to call the security but what would you tell them? “I have a llama in the conference room, come and save me?”

“Everybody calm down,” I said confidently. “You asked for Ollama, you got a llama. This is Rama, our new llama, a new immigrant from Lima. She was recently recruited and we haven’t given her a proper tour of the office yet.”

Rama made a sound that llamas make and bowed to those present in the room.

“That’s amazing,” shouted Haim the CEO. “This is exactly the the kind of thinking outside the box I always talk about!!! Does she know what it takes?” he demanded to know.

“You think Rama the llama doesn’t know how to setup Ollama? Haim, common, get serious!” I answered with growing confidence.

Rama growled in Peruvian Llamman and I translated: “It’s great to be here. I’m Rama the llama. Worry not, I’m an expert on Ollama since I was a young llama and my mother, also a llama, taught me basic functions of llamas and Ollamas.”

“Amazing,” said the product manager. “I have full confidence in Rama the Liman llama to develop Ollama!”

The meeting dispersed.

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

