E-Grocery Project

Hana Ofangel
4 min readOct 31, 2018


ess than 5 days to research (survey & interview), ideate, define, prototype, test, refine and present an e-grocery solution in a seven minutes pitch to our hypothetical client, a grocery company.

We are a class of 13 UX/UI designers at Ironhack Paris tech-school, and our exercise for this second week of intensive UX-UI design bootcamp was to work in a randomly picked team to create from scratch an E-shop with a specific feature for an existing grocery company of our choosing.

As we are an odd number in our cohort, we were the group with 4 UX designers on this project. Pierre, Sophie, Tahina and I, we started the project with more challenges than we expected. We first brainstormed different brands from the food industry, we had a big leeway from the tiny restaurants to the big markets to choose from.

On the upside, it was great to brainstorm with a lot of ideas on our plates, but on the downside, we were at some points stuck in time-consuming debates and planning of our researches and we begun our user research phase feeling a little bit overwhelmed, as the other triads of our cohort.
We debated and pushed different opinions, we discussed at each step of the project and we took a lot of little decisions together based on our research after a dozen interviews and a quick survey taken by 121 persons overnight.
In the end of this research process, we managed to leverage our different strengths within a limited time-frame, and we finish the work and the presentation in due time while learning a lot along the way. It was a very instructive process and we learned to take a step back to brainstorm and ideate on a bigger scale.

As a result of our ideation phase, we collected, selected and organised our thoughts and ideas with MoSCoW project management method, and we delivered a digital eshop with it’s key feature coming right from our insights and findings in a testable low-fi paper prototype.
In the end, we did usability testing with available testers and refined our solution, changing a big part of it that wasn’t working to reach a V2 with a fluid and flawless userflow.

BRIEF: design an online shopping experience for a food company of our choosing. We choose Biocoop, an ethical brand that sells organic products.

METHOD: We began the process of research for Biocoop customers by building up an online survey about organic food consumption in general to see the online shopping habits from our personal network for “bio” labelled food.

We managed to have a reasonable amount of answers overnight with 121 answers gathered.

We learned that at least 98,3% of the 121 persons surveyed had previously bought organic food. 45% already ordered their grocery online, but that it was a convenience more than a regular basis habit, their main interest was their health and traceability of the products they consume.
We pin pointed a potential problem and few pains points, and we’ve putted everything on post-its.
In the meantime we did user interviews to enrich our survey datas, did some more user research with better interviews questions, then we arranged our ideas with an affinity diagram, fixed an average user and we built a customer persona to keep in mind his goals and frustrations, using the UX empathy map.

See how the UX became tangible with the UI process in this article.

