How Long Does A Wax Last?

Hana Sandee
4 min readJan 29, 2021


How Long Does A Wax Last

So, you just got a Brazilian wax and now the question you’re wondering is “how long does a wax last?” Hair growth is something people can’t avoid, but luckily wax offers an easier form of hair removal than shaving. With shaving, it’s normal for people to see regrowth on the same day. Wax on the other hand lasts quite a bit longer.

A wax lasts longer than a shave because shaving just cuts the exposed hair off, often you can still see the hair underneath waiting to come through the skin’s surface. Waxing pulls the hair from the root, which is why it takes longer to grow back. After waxing people normally won’t see hair growth for 3–4 weeks.

Will Certain Waxes Last Longer Than Others

While there are many types of waxes available to buy, the type you choose likely won’t impact how long it takes for the hair to grow back. However, some people believe hard waxes last longer but that has nothing to do with how they affect hair growth.

Hard waxes are better at grabbing small hairs, so the skin is likely to feel much smoother after using hard wax compared to soft wax. Since all of these fine hairs are usually picked up, it seems as though the wax lasts for longer than if they were still there.

However, waxing from a professional usually lasts longer than wax jobs done at home. Your bikini wax may last longer if it’s done at the salon because the professionals do several waxing’s in one shift. They are fully trained and have had a lot of time to perfect their technique of hair removal.

When people do waxing at home they are more likely to experience breakage. Instead of pulling the hair from the root, it breaks off at the surface. The waxing won’t last the full 6 weeks if this has happened.

Will Hair Grow Back Quicker In Certain Areas Of The Body?

Will Hair Grow Back Quicker In Certain Areas Of The Body?

It’s hard to give an exact answer to the question of how long does a wax last because the hair on one area of the body doesn’t grow at the same rate as other areas.

People have hair on almost every area of their body however, all of this hair is different. You have probably noticed that the hair on your face is much softer than the hair on your bikini area. They also grow at different speeds too. So, there is a chance that your Brazilian wax and your upper lip waxing may grow back at different speeds.

Prepare For A Long-Lasting Wax

It’s very important to prepare your skin and hair for waxing to make the process go smoother. Proper skin preparation can also help your wax last longer too. Exfoliating is very important before getting waxed. Ingrown hair can cause furry issues, but they can easily be avoided.

A gentle exfoliation can loosen up any ingrown hairs to help get them ready for eviction. It can also help prevent other ingrown hairs from forming. Regular exfoliation between waxing’s can help protect the skin from any irritations or other complications that could be caused by wax. Exfoliating and regular moisturizing can help reduce breakage, helping to make your waxes last for longer.

How Long Should People Wait Between Waxing Appointments?

How Long Should People Wait Between Waxing Appointments?

It is suggested that people wait at least 6 weeks between appointments. Even if it seems like your hair is growing back quickly, you should resist shaving or plucking hair before your next trip to the salon. The waxing won’t work unless the hairs are at least 1/4 of an inch long. Anything shorter than that likely won’t get reached by the wax.

To avoid pain, make sure you trim any hair that exceeds 3/4 of an inch. The hair length should ideally be the same as a grain of rice for the easiest waxing process.

It is also important to make sure you have washed with soap before getting waxed. The wax has trouble sticking to hair that is oily or has other residues on it. Make sure all your makeup is washed off before any facial waxing as well. Not only does excess residue make it harder for the wax to stick, it also irritates pores after the wax comes off.

How Long Does Wax Last? Final Thoughts

One of the simplest ways to make wax last longer is to stick to a waxing routine. The longer a person gets waxed, the more likely their hair is to grow back slower and thinner. This makes their future waxes less painful and easier to do. Treating your skin properly between waxes can also help extend how long your waxes last.

While waxing can last for up to 6 weeks, the hair may start to grow back as soon as 3 weeks. This all depends on the person and the area of the body that was waxed.

