Logo Animation: The Definitive Guide on How to Use It Effectively

Hancock Animations
6 min readDec 8, 2023


Search for logo animation services, and the results you find seem innumerable. It is because a majority of businesses are realizing that, aside from having a unique logo design or a customized name logo or a unique logo, it’s essential to incorporate an animated logo as part of their digital marketing plan.

With the advancement of technology bringing new and exciting improvements to design, the techniques for logos of brands continue to evolve. Recently motion design has made into the must-follow trends. Your logo is the base for your brand’s image. It’s essential to put your trust in it in order to be perceived as a trustworthy business.

Due to the popularity of logo animations it is no wonder that there are numerous generators popping up on the internet.

The most famous companies in the world including Google and Ikea have joined onto the bandwagon so why wouldn’t you?

Read Our Blog: 10 Factors To Consider When Hiring A Logo Animator.

What Is Logo Animation?

Every business needs an identity. It demonstrates the persona of your product or brand and plays an important part in branding. A good logo will create an emotional connection with your intended customers or convey your message.

If a professional graphic designer is able to do their job effectively, your logo will become the foundation of your marketing plan.

Each business has different unique design requirements. If you’re promoting the image of an internationally-based brand a global corporate logo is your company’s tool for presenting your business.

The most important thing to do is choosing the best design for your company and an easy logo design cover could grab the attention of viewers too.

The era of graphic design that was primarily printed has passed. Today, technology has opened up new possibilities. For business owners it is your duty to benefit from these opportunities. If you’d like to inject some life into your logo that is static all you have to do is ask the designers to bring some movement to it.

The animation may be anything from simple motions to a brief video presentation, based on the company’s personality and objectives. A different option would be to develop an animation of your logo rotating or a badge with animation that genuinely reflects something about you. It goes beyond being an eye-catching tactic, it can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your brand.

Although creating an online logo animation is just a click away, it’s ideal to allow motion graphics experts to do the task.

Read Our Blog: What Is Motion Graphics? A Complete Guide For Beginners.

Benefits of Having an Animated Logo

An animated logo can be an exciting way to display your image as a brand. It’s an excellent way to show your brand’s personality and to draw in customers who are loyal.

It’s also a guaranteed method to differentiate yourself from the rest of your competitors as logo animations are a guarantee of creativity. Look over the other advantages of this stunning visual content.

Brings originality

Due to the large number of companies in the market nowadays, there are many brands with identical logos and could be part of the same field. Although this might not be intentional, there is an opportunity for businesses to discover ways to incorporate certain elements that help them stand out or provide a hint regarding the services they offer.

To add a sense of uniqueness in your branding, incorporating motion is the ideal solution. Logo animation is an excellent method to let your imagination be free. Your logo, when combined with graphics and visual effects will leave an impression that will last on your clients.

Evokes emotion

Your customers are exposed to hundreds of logos each day and are always looking for new and innovative concepts that inspire them. An animated logo can evoke emotions of excitement, joy and even awe. If your logo’s animation brings out positive feelings to your audience you have a good possibility that they’ll gain confidence in your brand.

Look at The Warner Animation Group Logo and the Pixar Animation Studios logo. Since we often see it at the start of films, it increases their enthusiasm.

Makes a good first impression

The first impression that people have of your brand is vital to the way they perceive your product. It takes only about a second for consumers to decide if they like what they encounter. Since your logo is an effective representation of your business and your company, it must make an excellent impression on your current and future customers.

A logo that is animated can increase your chance of being memorable and making a good first impression. So, make the most of the potential of it as you can.

Increases brand awareness

Video and dynamic images are viewed by your clients more effectively than static ones. A logo animation is able to be a powerful way to connect with your customers and draw their interest in a way that no image will.

Animations can run up to 1 second and up to 10 minutes. Remember that people want to watch a few movements rather than binge-watching a season of their favorite show. Therefore, don’t waste your time looking at complicated motions.

Improves storytelling

Logo animation is an essential component of the storytelling process. It gives your viewers more information about the nature of your business in comparison to an image. A logo that is animated works similar to a video telling the history of your business. Because it is easily shared on the internet easily, more people are likely to be able to view it.

Have a look at the Shazam’s animation logo. They’ve added a moving part that resembles the beat of a drum, which is their intention to assist users recognize music using the smallest sound.

Showcases professionalism

Customers aren’t expected to know everything about the field of marketing however, they do know the latest trends. There are a lot of businesses that are proud to share their logos to the world. If you are among this group, it demonstrates that you’re willing to keep up with trends.

Read Our Blog: Top 2D Animation Software For Your Creative Projects.

Qualities of A Good Logo Animation

Your video is judged by viewers in those first 3 seconds. Therefore, in the short time you must ensure that your video or logo is worthy of watching. As we try to draw your attention with this post your logo’s animation ought to be doing exactly the same.

However, first you have to recognize the importance of looking at the most examples of logo animation that you are able to. This will allow you to learn more about the principles behind movement and what doesn’t at the experiences of other brands. Do you want your letters to expand or shrink? What kind of background do you wish to choose?

There are also numerous useful sources that you might not have considered before. We’ve put together some strategies that will help you deliver an impactful punch.


If you can, create an animated logo exciting enough to draw and keep the attention of viewers. In addition to displaying your company’s name, the goal is to also entertain the viewer in some way, since keeping their brains and eyes active is key to creating a positive response.

It’s a good idea to animate each alphabet, icon and sign separately. The independent movements will add interest.

Shows build-up

If you desire people to be interested in you, you need to increase their interest. The viewer should believe that they won’t want to be able to miss what’s going to occur next.

Be aware that this is a goal you must accomplish in only a few seconds, so every frame really counts. Most companies do not display their entire logo in one go and therefore you should employ this method for your.


If your logo’s animated animation is longer than 10 seconds in length, people will eventually become bored. In today’s world of easily accessible and easily digestible content the attention spans are reducing The shorter your logo’s animation more effectively.

Many logo animation samples begin with an unadorned background. It’s not a stipulation which must be adhered to always, however it’s an excellent option to stand out and stay in line with industry standards.

Elevate Your Branding Through an Animated Logo

Animation-based logos are growing in popularity. The attention of the public is drawn to anything that is moving, be it fire, waves or mobile screens.

The magic of moving eyes has been incorporated into the design of logos. In no doubt, animations for logos stand out as the clear winners over static logos. Are you looking to see your logo move? Hancock Animations logo animation company can help you.



Hancock Animations

Hancock Animations is a full-cycle video production company