2 min readMay 2, 2023


As someone who has always had a passion for animation, I spent years trying to improve my skills as a 2D animator. However, no matter how much I practiced on my own or followed online tutorials, I just couldn’t seem to get my animations to look as good as I wanted them to.

At first, I thought it was just a matter of not having the right equipment or software, so I invested in some high-quality tools and continued practicing. But even with these upgrades, I still couldn’t achieve the level of animation that I was aiming for.

It wasn’t until I finally decided to seek out a professional 2D animator that I realized just how much I had been struggling. My initial hesitations were centered around the cost of hiring a professional and my belief that I should be able to figure it out on my own. However, as my frustration grew, I knew it was time to get some expert help.

When I first met with my 2D animator, I was immediately struck by how much more advanced their skills were than mine. They had a deep understanding of animation principles, and they were able to create complex and engaging animations with ease. Seeing their work was both inspiring and humbling, as it highlighted just how much I still had to learn.

But rather than feeling discouraged, I was invigorated by the challenge. With my animator’s guidance, I was able to identify the specific areas where my skills were lacking and focus my efforts on improving in those areas. We worked together to create a personalized plan that would help me achieve my animation goals, and I finally felt like I was making progress.

It wasn’t an easy journey, and I had to put in a lot of time and effort to see results. But with the help of my 2D animator, I was able to push past my limitations and unlock my full potential as an animator. Looking back on my struggles, I realize now that seeking out professional help was the best decision I ever made for my animation career.