Long hair, short hair, or no hair;
Makeup or no makeup;
Jewellery or no Jewellery;
And the list is long...

Let us banish the pre-defined beauty standards.
Let us promote, accept and appreciate the diverse appearances.
Let us challenge the unrealistic ideals.
Let us start emphasizing inner qualities over external appearance.

Let us! It starts with us!

Let us stop gossiping, passing comments, giving unasked opinions to gain the right to fight the judgemental minds.

Let us! It starts with us!

It requires societal shifts in attitudes, media representation, and personal beliefs to celebrate individuality and REDEFINE what beauty means beyond narrow standards.

Beauty Redefined- no hair, no makeup, no jewelry, simply pire beauty.


Handmade By Reet (Artist : Reetika Sharma)

Visual art studio for both traditional & digital artworks. We specialize in Acrylic Paintings, Gift Hampers, Portraits, Wedding invitations & Home Decor.