The Night ESPN Died

Uncle Hotep
2 min readApr 26, 2017


I will shed no crocodile tears for ESPN not a single drop.

Its been a longtime coming for the industry leader in sports but that time is now here. People cutting the cord, losing subscribers alienating subscribers reared its ugly head as today ESPN released over 100 on air talent and gave them their pink slips. I am not gonna gloat of people losing gigs. They have mouths to feed. But….

People should have seen this coming like Skip Bayless did.

With the arrival of high speed internet more and more people are axing Cable Television packages for a bevy of things. Hulu, Netflix, Amazon fire stick etc… I have cut the cord for over 5 years and havent skipped a beat.. I got a Roku and Apple Tv and kept it moving. All this means ESPN is losing subscribers and therefore ad dollars…They got to switch it up if they are gonna be competitive and make sense financially.

But the cord cutters arent the only reason people have turned off the mother ship.

The Night ESPN Died

ESPN used to be an escape for people who loved sports. The thing about sports is it presented an escape from the corporate PC bullshit that was slowing taking over America.. People tuned into ESPN for highlights and stats and an escape from it all.

Then ESPN made the Left turn at Albuquerque

All of a sudden politics seeped into every show in the network. Political Correctness was everywhere. Every mainstream agenda was pushed. The Elites were laughing at us.

There was no escape anymore….then they went full retard…

Never go Full Retard

They gave Caitlyn\Bruce Jenner the Arthur Ashe courage award. It wasn't enough they gave the Award to Michael Sam the year before, ESPN doubled down on identity politics.

It was the final nail in the coffin.

Look its Caitlyn\Bruce’s life and can do with it what they see fit….but is that the definition of courage ? Absolutely not and people saw right thru it. Just look at some of the past winners

Jim Valvano

Muhammad Ali

Dean Smith

Billie Jean King

Pat Tillman

Nelson Mandela

Pat Summitt

Dewey Bozella

Does Caitlyn\Bruce belong on this list? Of course not…ESPN used the award to push an agenda.

Now they are paying the price.

