How to Use Hanhi

5 min readJul 16, 2018


Hanhi allows anyone to create peer-reviewed competitions. A peer-reviewed competition is similar to a hackathon or a game jam, in that teams work towards producing what the prompt wants within a set time. However, unlike other competitions that need judges, Hanhi competitions sort applicants based on how other applicants anonymously grade them. The competition creator then receives each submission listed by a percentile rank of their score, so as to maintain impartiality in grading. Hanhi competitions work best when many people compete, as it allows for large-scale sorting of qualitative data such as resumes and new ideas.

The first panel

The First Step: The Competition Title and Rules

When you click on the “Create A Competition” button on the front page, the above image will appear on the page along with the other navigation links. The competition title field specifies the title of the competition that will always appear above the content in the main page. The competition rules then sit right below the title. However, they appear only once the competition has started. This allows people who join the competition closer to the start as much of a fair chance as the people who join first. Before the competition starts, the rules will display

The competition will start at [DATE], which will allow you to see the description. We do this to prevent people from creating a submission before the competition starts.

Good competition rules add details that force the applicant to create a unique submission such as to avoid cheating, as well as explain how to grade another submission. For example, you could require that each submission includes a specific phrase or image, and have that submission be based around it. Since each submission receives a grade from 1 to 10, one must add rules that clearly define what that score means. Percentile ranking flattens any adverse incentives, so people will grade based on the rules that you give them.

The second panel

The Second Step: Submission Anonymity, Team Positions, and Competition Prices

The submission anonymity radio buttons allow you to dictate the ability of the submitter to set their submission anonymity. Submission anonymity refers to the credit (or lack thereof) given to the team members in a submission. If you or a team member dictates that their submission will be anonymous, their e-mail will not appear on the submission page. The “All submissions anonymous” option allows you to dictate that all submissions will be anonymous, while the “No submissions anonymous” option dictates that all submissions have the e-mails of the applicants (unless they did not grade a submission). The “Anonymity at team discretion” option, meanwhile, allows a team to set a maximum percentile in which to remain anonymous. If a team’s submission gets lower to equal to their selected percentile, the entire team will be anonymous. The team can also set their minimum percentile to zero for their submission to never be anonymous or one hundred for their submission to always be anonymous, as those percentiles can never appear on a submission.

Team positions exist for Hanhi to group applicants together based on their skill set. For example, a game development hackathon could have designer, developer, and artist positions. Team position descriptions appear before the start of the competition, so they should serve as a way to allow potential applicants to not only understand the responsibilities of their position but the responsibilities of the competition as well.

As competitions cost 25 dollars per person, there exists a set limit to how many people can compete in a competition. Thus, while there exists no limit on how many people can sign up for a competition, Hanhi will put only the amount of people that one specifies into groups. Hanhi will also not create incomplete groups, so keep in mind that the number of people competing in your competition can be lower than one specifies even if enough people sign up.

The third panel

The Third Step: Start Times, Stop Times, and Grading Time

The third panel uses the “date” HTML input type to get the calendar field for the start and end dates. However, the website sends Unix epoch timestamps to the Hanhi server, so if you wish to not use Chrome or another supported browser you can contact the server manually. The start and end dates and times also appear in the time zone of the viewer of the time. For example, if someone creates a competition that starts at 6:00 PM the current day in Los Angeles, then flies to Houston, their page will say that their competition starts at 8:00 PM. This also applies to other people viewing the competition, so a potential applicant in New York City will view the competition as starting at 9:00 PM.

After the competition ends, each competitor must grade five submissions lest they become anonymous in their submission. The grading time, therefore, states how much time they have to grade each submission. Submission grades are due at one time, so the total time to grade a competition equals five times the grading time in minutes. Competitors should get five emails linking them to the grading page. If they do not, please contact us at for assistance.

The fourth panel

The Fourth Step: Email and Payment

Hanhi needs only the e-mail of the competition creator and their credit card when creating a competition. Payments use Stripe, so the web client never sends any credit card information to Hanhi servers. Hanhi does store the competition creator’s e-mail address, as Hanhi uses it to send the competition receipt and competition results. Applicants need a Google account to authenticate themselves, with their attached e-mail addresses used as their identification in submissions and teams.

We hope that you find Hanhi useful for whatever use case you find. If any problem or questions come up, please do not hesitate to message us either here on this article, our other social media, or at We can’t wait to see what you do with it!




Hanhi allows people to spot talent from everywhere.