Hanieh Jodat
12 min readNov 13, 2023

Open Letter from Sanders National Delegates Calling for Ceasefire in Gaza

Dear Senator Sanders,

Your Presidential campaigns and your legislative work in the Senate have not only reshaped the national discourse regarding Israel’s violent occupation of Palestine, but also bravely confronted Congress’s unchecked support for Israel in terms of military aid and weapons.

We, the undersigned 330 delegates from your 2016 and 2020 campaigns, write to ask that you stand against war and violence once more. We want to make clear that we condemn Hamas’s attacks on innocent civilians on October 7 and ask for an immediate release of hostages. However, in response to the attacks, the Israeli government has unequivocally revealed its troubling intent: the systematic oppression and dehumanizing of the Palestinian people. Israel’s actions in Gaza and the collective punishment of Palestinians involve cutting off lifesaving resources, indiscriminate civilian bombardment, resulting in over 10,000 Palestinian casualties with many trapped under the rubbles. Hospitals and doctors that have been operating with limited supplies, face airstrikes and shortage of supplies to treat patients. Close to 50,000 women are pregnant in Gaza, and 150 of them give birth each day. Over 1.4 million Gazans are now displaced, half of whom are children, meanwhile Israeli officials like Ariel Kallner demand a devastating “Nakba,” and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has ordered a ‘complete siege’ on Gaza while calling Palestinians “human animals.” The Biden administration’s response has been to unconditionally support Israel, question the death toll, and liken peace protesters of all ethnicities and religious backgrounds to neo-Nazis, all while brushing off civilian casualties as a consequence of war.

We’ve progressed beyond the stage of seeking mere condemnations or symbolic gestures. We concur with your assertion that these “unspeakable crimes” must cease and that “the bombs and missiles from both sides” should be halted. But Palestinians require more than just a “humanitarian pause”. We implore you to join the global chorus of voices, which includes the United Nations, numerous humanitarian organizations, activists gathered at Grand Central Terminal, those who have filled the Capitol, those who have protested across the globe, and a select few members of Congress, in calling for an immediate ceasefire.

We join over 375 former staffers and organizers in asking you to:

  • Introduce a Senate companion to the Bush-Tlaib “Ceasefire Now” resolution;
  • Support an end to U.S. military funding for war crimes against the Palestinian people, the expansion of settlements, and the occupation of Palestinian lands; and
  • Support an end to the blockade of Gaza and the occupation of Palestinian land

Thank you, Bernie. You have long inspired us to challenge inequality wherever it takes root in our country and our world. You have helped so many find the willpower to fight for their communities — and to fight for people we do not know. Your guidance has encouraged numerous progressives to step into the political arena, taking their places in policy-making. Above all, you have shown us how to hold the courage to stand up for what is right, even when that means standing alone.

We ask you to stand again for the principles that drew millions in our districts to your campaigns — opposition to endless wars and horrific violence, and zealous struggle for peace and justice. As in 2016 and 2020, you are not alone: from coast to coast, we have your back.

**Former delegates can email bernieletter2023@gmail.com to sign.

In solidarity,

Aaron Bagheri, 2020 delegate, CA-24
Aaron Fordham, 2020 delegate, NC-5
Abrar Omeish, 2020 delegate, Virginia PLEO and DNC Rules Committee Representative
Adam Parsons, 2016 delegate, OH-03
Adam Woodhall, 2016 and 2020 delegate, at-large, FL-09
Adriana Barriga-Green, 2020 delegate, IL-8
Aftab Ahmad Siddiqui, 2020 delegate, TX
Aida Porteneuve, 2020 Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member
Aileen Joachim-L’Etoile, 2016 delegate, MA-4
Aimee Dupont, 2020 delegate, MA-02
Alan Dodd, 2020 delegate, NJ-04
Alexander Davis, 2016 delegate, OH-3
Alfred Twu, 2020 delegate, CA-13
Ali Akın Kurnaz, 2016 party leader / elected official, FL
Alison Squires, 2016 and 2020 delegate, IL-14
Aliyah Khan, 2016 and 2020 delegate, VA-10
Allan Max Axelrod, 2020 delegate, IL-13
Amanda Benefiel, 2016 and 2020 delegate, IL-15
Amanda Claire Kennedy, 2020 delegate, AR-2
Amanda Mcillmurray, 2016 and 2020 delegate, PA-1, PA-5
Amar Shergill, 2020 delegate, at-large
Amber Beichler, 2020 delegate, VA-11
Amy Madden, 2020 delegate, WA-7
Amy Perruso, 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, HI
Amy Powell, 2016 delegate, MO-7
Ana Gonzalez, 2020 delegate, CA-31
Andrea Burns, 2016 delegate, at-large, MA
Andrea Perkins, 2016 delegate, elected DNC member
Andrew Lewandowski, 2020 delegate, CA-46
Andrew Swetland, 2020 delegate, CA-47
Angelica Maria Duenas, 2016 and 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, California
Anlin Wang, 2020 delegate, PA-3
Anthony Maro, 2020 delegate, CO-5
Antonio Bolanos, 2020 delegate, elected DNC member, CA-40
Arjun Sethi, 2020 delegate, at-large
Armani White, 2020 delegate, MA-07
Art Bardsley, 2020 delegate, IL-16
Audrey J. Proctor, 2016 delegate, MA-6
Barisha Spriggs, 2020 party leader / elected official, CA-14
Bart Dame, 2016 and 2020 delegate, elected DNC member, HI
Ben Smith, 2020 delegate, TN-2
Benjamin Becker, 2016 delegate, CA-12
Beth Huang, 2020 delegate, MA-07
Bill Lackemacher, 2016 delegate, CA-6
Birrion Sondahl, 2020 delegate, CO-2
Bishop Chui, 2016 and 2020 delegate, OH-11
Brandon Youngblood, 2020 delegate, CA-09
Brenda Rodgers, 2016 delegate, at-large, IL-08
Brian Escobar, 2016 delegate, NY-24
Brian McLai, 2020 party leader / elected official, IA-3
Briana Rose Lee, 2020 delegate, MN-05
Bruce Fealk, 2016 delegate, MI-10
Bruce Taub, 2016 delegate, MA-9
Bryan Giardinelli, 2020 delegate, at-large, CA
Byron Sigcho Lopez, 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official
Caleb Burnett, 2020 delegate, AL-6
Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, 2016 delegate, IL-04
Carol Turner, 2016 and 2020 delegate, Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member, CA-3
Carolyn Bowden, 2020 delegate, CA-13
Carolyn Townsend, 2020 delegate, IL-9
Carrie Scoville, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-44
Cathy Cowan Becker, 2020 delegate, OH-15
Cavla Johnson, 2020 delegate, at-large
Channel Power, 2016 delegate, party leader / elected official, AZ-3
Chelsea Higgs Wise, 2020 delegate, VA-04
Chelsea Howard, 2020 delegate, MS-01
Cheng-Sim Lim, 2020 delegate, CA-30
Chris Gallagher, 2016 delegate, NC-6
Chris Kutalik, 2020 delegate, TX-14
Chris Liquori, 2016 and 2020 delegate, NH-1
Christian T. Shaughnessy, 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, President of San Bernardino County Young Democrats
Christina Stewart, 2020 delegate, FL-09
Christine Harris, 2020 elected DNC member, CD-30; AD-46
Christopher Cano, 2020 Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member, DNC Credentials Committee, FL-14
Christopher Cook, 2016 delegate, CA-12
Christopher Fury, 2016 and 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, VA-06
CJ Cetina, 2020 delegate, TX SD-21
Claudia Moreno-Nunez, 2020 delegate, IL-7
Clem Balanoff, 2016 and 2020 delegate, at-large, IL
Cleo Dioletis, 2016 delegate, CO-1
Colleen LaVigne, 2020 delegate, IL-08
Cullen Tiernan, 2016 delegate, CA-17
Daisy Confoy, 2020 delegate candidate, PA-3
Dakin Weekley, 2020 delegate, FL-28
Dallas Fowler, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-32
Damali Vidot, 2016 and 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official
Damien Gu, 2020 delegate, at-large, NC
Dan Bailey, 2020 delegate, IL-06
Dan O’Neal, 2016 and 2020 delegate, AZ-5
Dana Butow (Baker), 2020 delegate, CA-04
Daniel Garza, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-06
Daniel Guzman, 2020 delegate, IL-3
Danielle Duryea, 2020 delegate, CA-44
Danielle Nelson, 2020 delegate, TN-4
David Beaton, 2016 delegate, FL-16
David Bright, 2016 delegate, at-large
David Ham, Bernie DNC Standing Committee, TX
David Reynolds, 2016 alternate, MI
David Tilsen, 2016 and 2020 delegate, MN-5
Deana J Becker, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-32
Deliah Odeh, 2020 delegate, IL-03
Denis P. Recendez, 2020 delegate, CA-32
Denisce Palacios, 2020 delegate, TX-27
Diana Orozco-Garrett, 2016 delegate, NM-3
Dominique Coronel, 2016 and 2020 delegate, IL-7
Dr. José Moreno, 2016 delegate, Bernie DNC Standing Committee, CA-47
Dr. Talat Khan, 2016 delegate, at-large, CA
Dwayne Thomas, 2020 delegate, at-large
Egan Carter, 2020 delegate, FL-9
Elise Beall, 2020 delegate, at-large, CO
Elise Fast, 2020 delegate, KS-02
Emily Ogilvie, 2016 delegate, NV-1
Eric Deamer, 2020 delegate, OH-6
Eric Sterling, 2016 delegate, IL-16
Erika Hastings, 2020 delegate, TN-08
Faisal Qazi, 2020 delegate, CA-39
Faraz Rizvi, 2020 delegate, CA-42
Frank W Klein, 2016 and 2020 delegate, AR-3
Gary Kleppe, 2016, 2020 alternate, IL-08
Georgia de la Garza, 2020 delegate, IL-12
Gerry Pare, 2016 delegate, OR
Gina Cramer, 2020 delegate, TX-26
Gloria R. Conejo, 2020 delegate, CA-50
Gwen Snyder, 2016 delegate, PA-3
Hanieh Jodat, 2020 delegate, CA-45

Hartzell Gray, 2020 delegate, MO-5
Hatem Natsheh, 2016 and 2020 delegate, TX-25
Heather Pope, 2020 delegate, PA-2
Hilary Stookey, 2016 delegate, Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member
Hillary Colby, 2016 delegate, IL-11
Hiwad Haider, 2020 delegate, CA-18
Homaira Naseem, 2016 delegate, MA-2
Ivan Enriquez, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-46
Iyad Afalqa, 2016 delegate, CA-45
Jack Cahill, 2020 delegate, at-large, PA
Jacqueline L Traynere, 2016 delegate, IL-11
Jada Peten, 2016 and 2020 delegate, AR and MO
Jake Burdett, 2020 delegate, MD-01
James Albert, 2016 delegate, CA-33
James Langford, 2020 delegate, FL-7
James Leo Bedard, 2016 delegate, MA-2
Jamie Fiend, 2016 and 2020 delegate, FL-20
Jamie Moffa, 2020 delegate, MO-1
Jan Kralovec, 2016 delegate, at-large
Jana Rose Ochs, 2020 delegate, AZ-5
Janeita Lentz, 2020 delegate, TN-09
Janelle Jolley, 2020 delegate, Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member
Jared Hicks, 2016 and 2020 delegate, MA-07
Jasmine Neosh, 2020 delegate, WI-08
Jeanna Harris, 2016 delegate, CA-43
Jeanne Marie Dauray, 2020 delegate, IL-10
Jeff Cohen, 2020 delegate, NY-19
Jeffry McKissack, 2016 alternate, CO-2
Jen Lum, 2020 delegate, elected DNC member, HI
Jennifer Ann Leister, 2016 and 2020 delegate, VA-02 (2016), at-large (VA) 2020
Jennifer Kanagy, 2016 delegate, IN-12
Jeri Shepherd, 2016, 2020 party leader / elected official
Jessica Sun, 2020 delegate, at-large, VA
Jessie Carter, 2020 delegate, AZ
Joan Arlene Garnier, 2020 delegate, IL-17
JoBeth Hamon, 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, OK
Joca G Marquez, 2020 delegate,Party leader / elected official
Jodi Clemens, 2020 elected DNC member, IA
Jodi Zeisel, 2020 elected DNC member
Joel Pokladnik, 2020 delegate, OH-6
Joey Aszterbaum, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-42
John Laesch, 2016 and 2020 delegate, at-large, IL-11
John T. Floyd, 2016 and 2020 delegate, at-large
Jon Culver, 2016 and 2020 delegate, WA-7 and WA-1
Jonathan Tasini, 2016 and 2020 delegate, at-large NY and OR-3
Jose Requena, 2020 delegate, IL-03
Josephine Moore, 2016 delegate, NY-20
Josh Stanfield, 2016 and 2020 delegate, VA-01, VA-02
Joshua Cobler, 2020 delegate, TX-03
Joshua Trupin, 2016 delegate, WA-8
Juan Vazquez, 2020 delegate, CA-10
Judith Cashin Lerma, 2016 delegate, TX-35
Julie Lehrman, 2020 delegate, Alternate, IL-07
Julie Tuck, 2016 and 2020 delegate, AR-4
Jun Shin, 2020 delegate, at-large, HI-1
June Nemon, 2020 delegate, NC-11
Justice Peche, 2020 delegate, WI-8
Kai Newkirk, 2020 delegate, AZ CD-9 (now CD 4)
Kaori Keyser, 2020 delegate, CO-2
Kareema Abdul-Khabir, 2020 delegate, CA-8
Karen Bernal, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-6
Karen Robbins, 2016 delegate, TN-1
Kari Khoury, 2020 delegate, CA-09
Karina Quesada, 2016 delegate, TX SD-15
Kassandra Alvarez Vazquez, 2020 delegate, at-large, AZ-3
Katelin Penner, 2020 delegate, NY-16
Katharine Lindgren, 2020 delegate, MN-7
Katherine Rand, 2020 delegate, OK-04
Kathy Angel, 2016 and 2020 delegate, at-large, VA
Katy Roemer, 2016 and 2020 delegate, elected DNC member
Kelly Thornton, 2016 delegate, AZ-1
Ken Warfield, 2020 delegate, CA-39
Kennedy Bartley, 2020 delegate, at-large
Kimberly Anne Tucker, 2016 and 2020 delegate, VA-3
Kristian Hernandez, 2016 and 2020 delegate, TX SD-16
Kristin Hoffman, 2020 delegate, FL-8
Kyle Thayer, 2020 delegate, CA-49
Larry Douglas Snider, 2020 delegate, FL-04
Laura Sabransky, 2016 delegate, IL-05
Lauren Niedel-Gresh, 2016 delegate, at-large, RI
Lauren Steiner, 2016 delegate, CA-33
Lee Daugherty, 2016 delegate, TX-23
Leila Choudhury, 2020 delegate, VA-05
Lenis Matias, 2020 delegate, FL-14
Leo Hilton, 2020 delegate, ME 1
Linda Okamura, 2020 delegate, CA
Linda Sophia Pinti, 2016 delegate, at-large
Lisa Britto, 2020 delegate, FL-10
Lorraine Salas, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-36
Lucero Mesa, 2020 delegate, ME 1
Luke Myers, 2020 delegate, PA-06
Lynn Casey-Maher, 2020 Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member, IL-3
Lynn Mari Slivka, 2016 delegate, NC-9
M. Emad Salem, 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, TX
Madeline Merritt, 2020 delegate, at-large, CA
Maggie Wunderly, 2016 and 2020 delegate, at-large, IL
Maha Rizvi, 2020 delegate, CA-42
Mahalia Jaramillo, 2020 delegate, at-large, NV
Mahtab Khan, 2020 delegate, NY-5
Mani Kang, 2020 delegate, CA-45
Manuel Zapata, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-10
Marcella Marino, 2020 delegate, at-large, ME
Marcy Winograd, 2020 delegate, CA-24
Margaret Okuzumi, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-17
Margie Hoyt, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-43
Maria Rinaldi, 2016 and 2020 delegate, at-large, VT
Marianne Rutter, 2020 delegate, MA-06
Marlin Medrano, 2016 delegate, CA-29
Mars Rodriguez, 2016 elected DNC member, TX SD-11
Mary Anne Cummings, 2016 delegate, at-large, IL-11
Matthew Levy, 2016 delegate, AZ-2
Matthew Marton, 2020 delegate, OH-13
Maureen Sullivan, 2016 and 2020 delegate, IL-03
Mel Shuen-Mallory, 2020 delegate, CA-14
Melanie Brown-Lyons, 2020 delegate, MA
Melanie Liu, 2020 delegate, CA-18
Melissa Michelson, 2016 delegate, CA-27
Melissa Rubio, 2020 delegate, IL-04
Melissa Selby, Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member, IL
Melodie R. Aduja, 2020 delegate, HI-2
Michael Bearfoot, 2016 delegate, at-large, MN
Michael J. Harrington, 2016 delegate, at-large, IL-9
Michaelantonio Rivers, 2020 delegate, TN-9
Michelle Boley, 2020 delegate, CA-29
Michelle Manos, 2020 delegate, at-large, CA
Michelle Rusk, 2020 delegate, TX-1
Miguel Bautista, 2020 delegate, IL-07
Miller Wey, 2020 delegate, TN-05
Mindy Pfeiffer, 2020 delegate, CA-27
Monica Bhatia, 2020 delegate, TX-21
Monica Thomas Fury, 2016 delegate, VA-06
Moumita Ahmed, 2016 delegate, at-large, NY-12
Nabila Mansoor, 2020 delegate, TX — SD18
Nadia Ahmad, 2020 delegate, elected DNC member, FL
Nancy Nichols, at-large, TX-1
Nancy Stenberg, 2016 delegate, MA-01
Nazim Uddin, 2020 delegate, at-large, NC
Neel Sannappa, 2020 delegate, CA-21
Nick Collins, 2016 delegate, AZ-05
Nina Baldwin, 2020 delegate, Alternate, CA-45
Nina Tatlock, 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, FL
Noah Neumark, 2020 delegate, CO-6
Norma Alcala, 2016 delegate, party leader / elected official
Norman Solomon, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-2
Olivia Garrett, 2016 delegate, AK
Owen Goslin, 2020 delegate, MI-01
Patricia Blochowiak, 2020 delegate, OH-11
Patricia L. Guinn, 2016 delegate, Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member, IL-1
Patrick Gordon, 2020 delegate, IL-8
Paula Jean Marvin, 2016 delegate, CA-36
Prince E Winbush III, 2016 and 2020 delegate, TX-15
Puja Datta, 2016 delegate, at-large, OH
Quinn Albright, 2020 delegate, OH-5
Rachel Bernstein, 2016 and 2020 delegate, NY-07
Randi Pokladnik, 2016 and 2020 delegate, OH-06
Randolph W. Shannon, 2016 delegate, PA-12
Raymond Catania, 2020 delegate, HI-2
Rebekah Nelson, 2020 delegate, MN-03
Reggie Wong, 2020 delegate, CA-33
Rev John K Hunt, Esq, 2016 delegate, MT-1
Richard Lyons, 2020 delegate, MA-3
Rick Treviño, 2016 delegate, TX SD-26
Ricky Ly, 2016 and 2020 delegate, FL
Riddhi S. Patel, 2020 delegate, Bernie DNC Standing Committee, CA-20
Robert M. Nelson, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-28
Robert Shearer, 2016 delegate, CA-2
Roberto Alvarez, 2016 and 2020 delegate, CA-38
Robin Bergman, 2020 delegate, at-large, MA-5
Robinson Block, 2020 delegate, TX SD-6
Ron Joseph, 2020 delegate, PA-2
Roxanne Palmer, 2020 delegate, FL-3
Roy H Taylor III, 2020 delegate candidate, GA-11
Roy M Tatem, Jr, 2020 delegate, AZ-09
Ruby Grace, Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member
Ruscal Cayangyang, 2020 delegate, Bernie DNC Standing Committee, CA-05
Sam Bledsoe, 2020 delegate, TN-7
Sam Bonge, 2020 delegate, AZ-08
Sam Hindi, 2016 and 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, CA
Sameena Usman, 2020 delegate, CA-17
Samila Amanyraoufpoor, 2016 delegate, CA-48
Sammy Slade, 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, NC
Samuel Doten, 2020 party leader / elected official, MN
Sandra J. Klassen, 2016 and 2020 delegate, VA-11
Sarah Burns, 2016 delegate, CA
Sarah Coutu, 2016 delegate, FL
Sarah Gonsalves, 2020 alternate, CA-5
Sarah O’Brien, 2020 delegate, MI-9
Scott Brown, 2016 delegate, at-large, GA
Sebastian Cazares, 2020 delegate, CA-25
Senator Martín J. Quezada, 2020 party leader / elected official, AZ-03
Sergio Cea, 2020 delegate, PA
Shana East, 2020 Bernie DNC Standing Committee Member
Shannon Cameron, 2016 delegate, NE-3
Sharon Abreu, 2020 delegate, WA-02
Sharon Janis, 2016 delegate, FL-70
Shaun Navarro, 2020 delegate, NV-01
Shaun Olsen, 2016 delegate, at-large, WA
Sherri Stoddard, 2016 delegate, CA-24
Sherrie Cohen, 2016 and 2020 delegate, PA-3
Shirley Toy, 2020 delegate, CA-7
Silvia Dominguez, 2020 elected DNC member, MA-04
Simran Nanda, 2020 delegate, NY-03
Solomon Steen, 2016 delegate, alternate, Democrats Abroad
Solveij Rosa Praxis, 2020 delegate, TX-SD 21
Sonya Bykofsky, 2020 delegate, MA-01
Stacey Ramos, 2020 delegate, CA-35
Steph Terrazas, 2020 delegate, CA-39
Stephen Brittle, 2016 delegate, AZ-3
Steven Gibson, 2020 delegate, CA-27
Steven Marquardt, 2020 delegate, CA-01
Stuart Campbell, 2020 delegate, TX SD 12
Sudi Farokhnia, 2020 delegate, CA-40
Summer Awad, 2020 delegate, TN-2
Susan Steigerwalt, 2016 and 2020 delegate, MI-13
Susana Williams, 2020 party leader / elected official, CA-9
Susie Talevski, 2016 and 2020 delegate, IN-1
Tara Mosley (Samples), 2016 and 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, OH
Tarah Taylor, 2016 and 2020 delegate, Party leader / elected official
Taran Samarth, 2020 delegate, PA-12
Tasnuva Khan, 2020 delegate, MD-3
Teva Gabis-Levine, 2016 delegate, NM-01
Thomas Kennedy, elected DNC member, FL
Timothy Beyer, 2020 delegate, elected DNC member, CA-43
Timothy Hardin, 2020 delegate, FL-3
Tom Duke, 2020 delegate, MA-2
Tom Gallagher, 2016 delegate, CA-11
Tommy Molina, 2020 delegate, WI-04

Tristan Rader — Ohio, 2016 and 2020, City Councilman At-larger, Lakewood

Victor Valladares, 2020 delegate, party leader / elected official, CA
Walter Bolles, 2020 delegate, NC-2
Wendy Santamaría, 2020 delegate, CA-24
William Alexander, 2016 and 2020 alternate, CA-14
Yasmeen Kaboud, 2016 delegate, PA-02
Yasmine Taeb, 2016 and 2020 delegate, elected DNC member, VA
Zhenzhen Jiang, 2020 delegate, CA-14

Hanieh Jodat

Former Political Director Nina Turner, Strategist Defuse Nuclear War @ RootsAction, Former Policy Director @Marianne Williamson, Congressional CM