10 Entrepreneurs’ take on Success, Failure and Fears

Jin Han
2 min readJun 19, 2019


How would you define success? Failure? And what are your biggest fears? A success to one could be a failure to another. Fear can also be a motivator. Entrepreneurs share their insights on how they define success, failures and confide their fears.


How would you define success and failure? What are your greatest fears?

10 Entrepreneurs’ take on Success, Failure and Fears

1. Success is not defined by money. Money is an outcome. Success is how you incrementally improve in all aspects of life. As an eternal student, success is when I can learn and if I can improve the quality of the decision. The moment you feel like you have arrived, that’s when the decline happens. No one is beyond questions. Be seen to be doing something, that’s when the decline starts. Success = continuous improvement.

2. My fear — mediocrity. Prefer to be hobo than a suburban husband.

3. Success <> not finance. High degree of well being — positive energy, celebrating success with others — entrepreneurship on your end, you can’t share the victories or the downfall. Generate profit and grow (though secondary) can also be a success.

4. Success = executing on your vision and adding value to people around you and community and globally.

5. My definition of failure is not fulfilling the promise to the people who believed in me.

6. My definition of success is building a new road for health care product — bring it to the wider public. Patients have the right to know about how they are treated and what they are treated with.

7. Success: 1. Building a sustainable business. 2. Making an impact — story about the journalist waiting in line.

Failure: Disappointing people who put trust in me. Not learning from the previous mistakes.

8. Success: To know that what we built has an impact in the world. Failure: If the commitments cannot be delivered.

9. No product market fit would be a failure. And, not being able to solve that. Not being able to build a sustainable business. Fear is if we won’t be able to sell the stuff — responsible for our family. To disappoint people who believed in me and the company. But, I am not afraid of failure — it’s a journey.

10. We have responsibilities towards the employees. Failure would be if we don’t see any way to go to the next step; and not being able to honor the commitments.

