MEDIUM — Thank You!

Hank M. Greene
3 min readMar 26, 2017


It takes real resources to provide. You have to have resources in order to share resources. That is about as basic as math gets.

I applaud your tenacity and perseverance, your waking up each day and saying, “what can we do today to forward this platform and the value to others it provides.”

With everything, you simply have to expend the energy to try in order to learn how to crawl, walk, then run.

The membership program is just that — a start.

It is with the spirit of the power of diversity and wanting so badly to not just see you succeed, I want you to thrive, that I share these monetization ideas.

· Content translation services — Example, the Chinese, a huge market to share Medium stories. By providing a very small fee for an automated content localization service (leverage others API’s) Medium could both generate some funds as well as share this great content across the world.

· Marketing data services — one of my favorite sources of reading are topics form Shane Parrish (Farnam Street) and “The Mission.” Capturing every single piece of data about a page visitor enables the ability to ask all kinds of business value questions. Medium could construct intelligence services based off of the non-personal aggregated data it collects, and provide this service, for a small fee, to those like Farnam Street, that desire data that supports learning. Business exists to provide services to its constituents. If Medium could help in that endeavor with data that helps define what customers like, and are not so fond of, then win-win revenue.

· Business Integration Services — So, what is Medium? It’s a very special content publishing platform and potentially, if not already, data intelligence service. Almost every business that I can think of relies on content to communicate within and with customers, and data analysis to help determine high return business investments. Service security, compliance auditing, and regulatory compliance are HUGE. Providing content services within these three pillars as a service to business entities means they don’t have to spend money on these ever changing landscapes, they simple pay a service fee to gain the service and ongoing compliance and reporting.

I only wish I could afford the paltry monthly sum to become a member. Unfortunately, I really, really, do not have the money. I have been unemployed for the last six months, my final unemployment check is next week, here in Seattle, a technology person (hacker, lead and built teams delivering product and solutions for major names in this area) — most likely the subject of a bit of age discrimination. Discrimination happens across all brackets, from ethnicity, sex and sexual preference, to, yes, even age. If I could afford the cost to become a member, I would. I do thank you for your presence and enabling me to share what I can! If there is anything I can do that does not involve something monetary, please let me know!

This is a most fantastic platform! Thank you!


Update with regard to translation services and China — Just read a Reuters article about Medium being blocked in China — So, there is some work to be done. No worries, it’s a big world, lots of other localization opportunities.

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Who is Hank M. Greene?

“I am what I said I am, a storyteller. But, you may be asking, from whence did I come and to where do I go? ‘Ten’ holds the key to where I go, and it’s to be determined from whence I came.”

Read the draft of Book 1: Ten by Hank M. Greene @

Ten, Chapter 1 read on YouTube

Twitter at @hankmgreene or


Flipboard: HankMGreene



Hank M. Greene

Persona non grata. Telling the story about three kids who create the first computer-based awareness and the events that follow in “time, a trilogy”