Maybe marketing can be used for good instead of evil?

Hank White
1 min readAug 28, 2020


There are times when business finds itself entrenched in some kind of communications exercise and messages and facts get whittled down the most basic and simplistic points. And when this happens the swath goes wide and things become somewhat lowest-common-denominator. I understand why.

But consider the way that people think when they have a flash of illumination, the way they think when they have a brief moment of focus. Rather than vying for their attention by hurling oversimplified messages and subject matter — why not get to them with something intelligent, thought provoking, and emotional? Teach them something in the process? Maybe this is just me projecting — this is how I would prefer to be spoken to. People are trying to tell and sell me things all day long. I think I cannot avoid them so perhaps we can do it a way that is mutually beneficial?



Hank White

My name is Hank. I’m a designer interested in sustainability and well-made things.