Bible and Qur’an are corrupted and this shall set you free!

Hanna Barkhadle
23 min readApr 6, 2024


Image Source: Muslim Landmarks

February 5, 2024

*Join me on the Healing guides podcast for exposing spiritual wisdoms that God Almighty taught me that’ll expose lies in religion and psychology of evil vs good or right vs wrong, and how and why I came to expose this and a little bit about who I am that explains why God Almighty taught me this AND why billions are not finding my content despite this being a important powerful topic of human interest and you’ve never heard of me. Find the podcast on Spotify, YouTube, iHeartRadio, Google podcast.

Hi reader,

If you’ve been following me on my Healing Guides podcast and found me in this site that way, thank you and welcome here too. I had a issue with a life event that prevented me from recording more on my podcast, and God Almighty allowed that situation to happen to me because He has inspired me and wants me to start writing, which is a long time suppressed passion of mine ever since my teen years, but didn’t know how to start talking about self-improvement if this has to involve morality and God Almighty IF Islam and the Qur’an is demonic, as it has perversions and sexisms and other immoralities in it, which thus in my anger at God Almighty and actually thinking He’s the author, I questioned Him all my younger years and had long dialogues of hours using logic to show Him how evil this religion is based on the filth and injustice it firstly sprouts against my gender, and thus He can’t be a moral or good or normal God Almighty and thus how can He do this to us, to me?

I did what God Almighty wanted the entire human race to always have done when corruptions entered His scriptures and religion, which is to think and use your mind as we’re a rational species, both male and female and the lies or corruptions in religion by the devil that then spread to academia is the immorality or evil of sexism of accusing females of being emotional and not logical and saying only males are logical. God Almighty wants you to THINK. Do you understand? That’s the only way you’re created to figure out falsehood from truth and evil from good, using your in-built conscious God Almighty created in you that’s automatically there to guide you. Then you TALK to God Almighty as He’s a living being and He’s the one you’re supposed to ask your religious questions and not His creation and blindly following His creation such as hypocrite religious preachers , pastors, scholars, rabbi’s, or sheikh’s or imams, etc.

God Almighty is in charge of His religion and NOT male religious preachers, thus you’re not supposed to get truth from them otherwise you’re treating them as God Almighty and not a weak equal creation to you. Secondly, also because there are the evils that God Almighty created of hypocrites or hypocrisy of lying and pretending to be opposite of your real identity and evil of corrupting an original source of knowledge whether book or other form of knowledge, thus you have to agree that hypocrite or false or fake or evil religious preachers AND fake or false or corrupted or tampered religious scriptures BOTH EXIST! And since you know and agree this is possessed and does exist because it did happen in past human history, why would you not agree NOW in our lifetime this is happening or has to be happening BECAUSE evil which means illogic is in God’s scriptures and good or morality means logic and normal.

I am the only and first Muslim to say and expose that Islam is CORRUPTED and yes it’s the original religion of God Almighty, but it’s corrupted. How? Because God Almighty, 1 and only 1 God and not two or more, and not His creation like Jesus who was just a a human Prophet and Messenger which means all Prophets and Messengers are supernatural to some degree because they were given Divine missions, BUT they’re a creation, and NOT CREATOR WHOM IS 1 ALMIGHTY POWERFUL LORD WHO IS NOT ANYTHING LIKE HIS CREATION AND HE HAS NO WEAKNESSES AND HE HAS NO PARTNERS AND HE HAS NO SPOUSE OR SONS OR DAUGHTERS BECAUSE OF THE 1 SIMPLER FACT THAT HE’S POWERFUL AND DOESN’T HAVE WEAKNESSES OF DESIRING OR HAVING SPOUSE OR SON OR DAUGHTER OR OTHERS WITH HIM.

The devil all throughout human history fought to preserve this sin against God Almighty of teaching humans to fight with this 1 basic logical fact that God Almighty has to be powerful and thus can’t have others with him like a son, by the evil teaching them to be arrogant and as if they can’t have a All-powerful God Almighty and He has to have some weakness or quality like them the creation in order to understand Him BECAUSE this would push you these humans who have these evil thoughts enter your mind like this, from ever worshipping the real God Almighty who is All-powerful and doesn’t have the qualities of the false gods mentioned in His sadly corrupted scriptures all throughout human history by these same devils who corrupted those humans and current ones to not want to believe in God Almighty, by using evil humans first qualify always being perverted and sexist, these demonic spirits were possessing to use their body to create fake books of God’s scriptures and take some truth and mix with majority false to use that some truth to attract you and then destroy you and morality/justice/God’s identity with the false parts, thus explaining why the scriptures or religion always promotes perversions and sexisms — BECAUSE those in human history who said no to Prophets and Messengers and didn’t want to repent and change to moral and worship God Almighty due to their arrogance and then evil of perversions and sexisms they enjoyed practicing, were possessed by these demonic spirits to persecute the Prophets and Messengers, kill or attack the good humans who followed the Prophets and Messengers, and then corrupted and change the scripture they felt threatened by because it came to attack and stop their evil and other evils.

It’s this easy, it’s really not complicated what happened in history and what the psychology of God Almighty and His creation how things came to be the way they are, is. God Almighty is easy to understand because He doesn’t confuse us.

The devil does that, he confuses. And God Almighty allowed him obviously as the devils are not enemy or opponent to God Almighty and they’re not powerful and in fact you the human race are more powerful than them, but they use their weapons of invisibility, and demonically possessing or entering the human body to control them if they become evil and some non-evil sins too, and dark powers of witchcraft or magic, and curses and other similar to ruin the truth aka morality and spread falsehood aka evil using God Almighty and religion and His righteous Prophets and Messengers as false weapon by ACCUSING THEM of the evil sins and qualities of the same humans who rejected God’s scriptures and religion Islam and message and Prophets and Messengers who came to fix them and they them allowed their bodies be used to persecute Prophets and Messengers to push them out society so no one would stop their evil and not wanting to worship God Almighty because they were arrogant and not wanted to “obey” any higher being that designed them and then they corrupted the scriptures and religion and God’s original religion’s name to overall to hide Islam was God’s original religion and then they twisted logic and morality by putting evil or sin into the scriptures by making it seem God’s speaking but it’s their words and they left some of God’s original words in His original scripture they destroyed by putting it into their written words some word for word and some rephrased to use this to attract you to the book and also because they have NO CHOICE since they’re demons and God Almighty allowed them to do this and God Almighty would only allow them to put only some evil and lies and not all because then no one would see any portion of truth or morality and wouldn’t learn God Almighty is good and what He taught them, so God Almighty allowed some lies in His scriptures and the big test is who’s going to use their mind to think and say, “hey there’s a problem here, evil is in God Almighty’s book and thus it must be corrupted.” And who’ll let a creation like themselves, their own species, dominate and have power over them by allowing them to force you to obey what they say as of they’re God Almighty, which are these hypocrite religious humans and preachers who force the evil in the religion of God Almighty Islam and the false religions out there on you using threats of violence and hell and telling you to……what do they tell you to do?

They tell you to NOT use your mind, duh, because this is how you’d figure out God’s scriptures and religion is corrupted and God Almighty is good and He’ll send help and truth soon like He always did in past history and He only allows demons some time to use their lies to control religion, because God Almighty is not evil, but He created evil and allows it to happen and allowed humans free will to fight and protect themselves from it, and demons have been allowed by God Almighty to lie and get away with it for some time, but then they’re stopped, and morality and justice wins and erases evil in the world, then the cycle repeats after God’s chosen spiritual leaders are dead, where demons again have ability to use their free will to corrupt God’s scriptures and religion and society’s laws again and flip it to evil side.

God Almighty has revealed to me and chosen me to reveal to the human race that yes Islam is His religion, but it’s corrupted, and Christianity is the corrupted version of Islam during Prophet Jesus time and that’s why it attracts and so similar to Islam as the second fastest growing religion. So Islam didn’t copy Christianity. Islam simply came back to take it’s rightful place with the last Prophet Muhammad being sent, and after his death, demons did the same thing again of corrupting Islam and Qur’an the last scripture after the prior corrupted scripture of Torah (Bible) that this corrupted Bible caused false religion of Christianity to be formed this from lies also about Prophet Jesus thus it’s obsessed with him and named after him and God Almighty is taken off the title He has of being your Lord and His Prophet Jesus was given this wrongful place and thus Christianity is teaching you not only immoralities or evil as the Bible was corrupted to say perversions and sexisms and other immoralities, but also the evil and sin of worshipping others other than the real God Almighty, who names Himself Allah in the Quran, and thus the devils accomplished their biggest and first desire of making you worship false God or God’s creation and not Him, and then their second desire of telling you evil is good. Devil has these so agendas;

1. To corrupt God’s identity, and the identity and character or morality of God’s righteous spiritual leaders like Prophets and Messengers, and then other righteous humans after them who spread the religion,


2. To corrupt morality vs immorality or good vs evil in order to get away with evil and prevent justice and punishments and accountability which evil spirits and evil humans benefit from who corrupted God’s scriptures and religion Islam together all throughout human history. The Qur’an IS CORRUPTED , same way Muslims have proven that the prior scripture of Bible is corrupted, and same way arrogant and evil Christians don’t want to admit this is true as it has illogic and evil in it and was changed throughout history, is THE EXACT SAME ARROGANT AND EVIL REASON THE MAJORITY OF EVIL MUSLIMS don’t want to admit the Quran is corrupted too of the same problem they point the finger at in the Bible is also in the Qur’an, which is evil is called good such as the perversions and sexisms and other immoralities Islam says and the identity of God Almighty and His righteous Prophet Muhammad is corrupted where they’re accused of these perversions and sexisms and other immoralities or evil IN ORDER TO GET AWAY WITH GOOD AGAIN LIKE IN PAST HUMAN HISTORY. Thus only SOME Muslims who are evil AGREE with the evil in God’s last scripture the Qur’an and it’s not all Muslims as normal ones like me do exist, same way in the false religions out there like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc also have good and evil humans in them BECAUSE there are good and evil humans everywhere and in every religion, race, ethnicity, and the two genders of male and female, and only the evil of perversions and sexisms God Almighty created that demons use to spread creates this nonsense of lgbtq+ to destroy the only two genders of male and female the nature that God Almighty created for them as a species.

Thus, the Qur’an is hated by good moral logical Muslims who can’t do evil it says nor allow themselves to be objectified by it’s evil and non-Muslims who are either evil non-Muslims choosing to this one time use logic to mock and show the evil in Qur’an and Islam which they’re right as evil is wrong, or the moral and thus using logic that God Almighty commands the human race to use in the Quran when He says to think and use your mind, and to be aware hypocrites exist and ruined His scriptures and religion before with His permission of course as nothing can happen without God’s permission so He allowed it because of that free will where He allows evil to happen, but He’s not evil and He’s not happy or okay with it and He’d not want His creation to do evil, but He only created good and evil to test who’ll choose evil and who’ll choose good, and thus paradise and hell are created to separate them. The Qur’an obviously has to suffer the same free will to do evil act of corrupting and distortion to God Almighty’s scriptures too as long as the devil is living and out there and he won’t be losing this power just because a Prophet won’t come down again, as Muslim hypocrite preachers like to use as their only reasoning to falsely say the Qur’an can’t be corrupted because they can’t obviously use the entire book to prove it’s corrupted since it has both good and intellectual content that prove it’s from a higher being of God Almighty, but then simultaneously has evil words in it promoting and making permisable the other sets of perversions and sexisms that some the Bible does has and others in the Qur’an it doesn’t.

Thus, making current demonic Islam a danger and threat to the human race and God’s entire creation, as it first starts off with it allowing perversions of cheating on your wife and raping your wife and using multiple females like objects but using the wrong words of 4 wives as if they’re wives when they’re prostitutes with this 1 prostitute perverted filthy male they allow to dishonor and destroy them, thus it destroys the foundation of marriage of 1 man and 1 woman, and allowing perversions to children of accusing the Prophet of raping and keeping as a long-term victim which they call a wife, a child of age 6 then 9 which is a fake character the devil created or a real wife he has the devil corrupted her real mature age to 6–9 and no it’s not okay if she was 18 and older as some other perverted Muslims say she was 19 because the perversions of age is still there of him being in his 50s, which God Almighty taught me anyone more than 4 years age difference is perversion and sin and evil, and God Almighty did create age for a reason and a unrelated male and female can’t just come together and you call it sexual, no, it’s only normal and sexual and nature when they are exact same age or up-to maximum 4 years apart. 5 years and older than you or 5 years and younger than you is age perversion and from the devil teaching you, it’s not normal, it’s predatory and about dominance and God Almighty did not create you to be desiring the opposite gender unrelated to you that’s more than 4 years of age difference than you.

These humans who do these perversions and other perversions and sexisms of lgbtq and others like going to blood related or family or extended family like cousins and similar or going to animals and pests and children, etc are all demonically possessed and this their demons don’t want you to know so they always use God Almighty as weapon by accusing Him of making them this way. They’re just perverts. Normal moral humans don’t do this. The Qur’an is no longer the original Qur’an past Muslims had which obviously was the reason the religion grew so fast and proved itself to be God Almighty’s original religion and last scripture sent to mankind after the prior scripture was corrupted as well which was called Torah at the time which is now the Bible. Islam is not a new religion thus, it’s the same God Almighty who sent down Torah, Gospels, Psalms we Muslims are worshipping that Christians “think” they’re worshipping, but sadly one of the large corruptions the demonic spirits caused God’s scriptures of past was always accusing Prophets who are human but supernatural, of being God’s sons, and Jesus was another victim to this same tactic of the devil that humans sadly didn’t learn from the pattern yet. Jesus is thus sadly worshipped instead of the God Almighty who created him and all of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, Allah, His name it is.

My desires to write motivational articles in the past around year 2009 when I was around 15 years old were ruined thus because of Islam being corrupted again from the man-made books called hadiths having many evil and false stories about the last Prophet Muhammad in these books called Hadiths (narrations) and the Qur’an also got corrupted and is no longer the original and the corruption is very small and visible which are the perversions and sexisms and similar immoralities of unjustness put into it that makes Muslims today and near past history among the worst humans in their living conditions between gender rights.

So I had that dilemma of knowing God and His religion and knowing He is a good God, but these corruptions or lies in Islam that no religious preacher called sheikh’s would admit are from the devil, hurt me so bad and prevented me from ever becoming a Muslim writer who can motivate others, because how can I motivate you if evil is in my religion, and I need to think of that when I give advice, right?

I erased all my attempted blogs thus, and just stayed away from this religion and the mosques, and Muslims, and kept to myself. I know Islam is God’s true religion, and the version of God that Islam gives of God, Allah, a powerful one Lord is correct, and I know Christians are misguided, so of course I didn’t leave the religion of Islam, because it is God’s religion, so I just needed answers from God Almighty as to what in the world these few verses, very easily detachable and obvious heinous and different than the rest of the Qur’an texts, were saying that take away women’s rights and make males into predators of perverts and rapists and wife beaters and just plain demons. Years passed without answers, but in 2023, God Almighty revealed to me the answer!

Demonic spirits and not just the devil, corrupted the Qur’an, same way Muslims believe God’s prior scripture the Bible was corrupted. And same way Christians don’t want to admit the flaws, immoralities of perversions and sexisms, violence, and other weird stuff in the Bible such as God having a son or impregnating a human female of Mary, Jesus’s mother, doesn’t turn off Christians to say this book is corrupted and not the original, let’s take the moral and logical and good and leave and take out the bad, is the exact same way and reason Muslims today don’t want to admit the same corruptions of perversions and sexisms and violence and other lies are put into the Qur’an that go against what God Almighty taught all of us the human race as to who He is, a good just loving creator, and that He hates evil, and that the devil was allowed many times to corrupt God’s religion.

Arrogance, evil, is the reason, as majority of the human race is perverted and evil, and thus demonically possessed, thus they don’t care and many like these corruptions, while some few run away from religion or these parts because they are moral, and others like me who are highly moral and will never tolerate evil question God because we’re not afraid to do so and get their answers faster.

How did God Almighty reveal to me His scriptures of Bible and Qur’an are corrupted, and Prophets accused each time such as Jesus accused of being a God’s son, and Prophet Muhammad accused of being a pedophile a pervert who raped a child though they call it sex to dishonor and mock morality and logic?

God Almighty created me different and unique than you. I am not a normal human like you. God Almighty made demonic spirits persecute, and gangstalk, and follow me ever since before my birth, abusing me using humans just like you who are possessed through covert behaviors and through real criminal conduct, treating me same way they treated past Prophets, in God’s way of teaching me how they corrupted and ruined morality, His religion, and His scriptures, and distorted human understanding of genders and who God is and whom Prophets were, through how they follow me with the same agenda to lie, defame, accuse me everywhere I go, and other ways God taught me wisdom on their powers and crimes against mankind. It’s a new power demons are given only over my life and so you won’t ever hear of this because it’s divine and supernatural and not just demonic harassment every human faces. I’m still learning, and trying to get out of the bad situations demons put my life in to endanger me, but I will share basic level of these corruptions and how demons did it in evidence to you so you are free like me too from thinking God is sexist, perverted, evil, unjust etc.

And as you can see, I’m a female, so you should get the point by now, God chose me to show mankind He isn’t the author of the Bible and Qur’an that lowers and dishonors females for I a female was created different and strong enough to handle a persecution worse than Prophets endured and it’s still ongoing and I don’t know when it’ll end.

After Prophet Jesus (Prophet Isa) was no longer on earth where God Almighty in the Qur’an says He saved Him and Jesus (Prophet Isa) was NOT crucified and NOT killed on the cross.

God Almighty saved Prophet Jesus from death and crucifixion and even though the Qur’an and last Prophet Muhammad came down to testify this, sadly, Europeans who are heavily the Christians didn’t get Islam to reach them in that past time when Islam was not corrupted and thus the false religion of Christianity that formed from the Torah (Bible) being corrupted spread among Europeans.

Since the Bible was God’s prior scripture before the Qur’an and has many truths still in it, it attracts people to some degree who choose to also ignore their conscious and morality because it’s also heavily with perversions and sexisms and lies about God’s identity by lowering His greatness to a human of Jesus and having a son and having other lowly qualities a Creator cannot have.

Brainwashing Christians and others who worship idols like Hindus and Buddhists, the devil made them have a harder time believing in the option that God is so great He can’t be a human, have carnal qualities of having a son and wife, and can’t die for your own sins instead of each individual being responsible for their own life only, but rather they choose to think dumb and say it’s harder to believe He is so perfect He can’t be these qualities the Bible accuses Him of. Muslims are not thus being defended thus, I am coming after them too — they are so dumb as well to believe God is so great and just and ridicule Christians and others for not agreeing to this yet at the same time have a hard time fighting off the possibility the most recent scripture the Qur’an is also corrupted since it also takes away God’s greatness of being wise and fair since the Qur’an completely takes away a woman’s entire identity as a human and lowers her to worse than an object and makes men into predators and rapists and violent and Gods to be obeyed or you go to hell if you dare speak on your conscious.

It’s this same conscious they don’t want to use that they mock Christians for not using when the Bible lowers women worse than objects too, though the devil was allowed to go worse and harm women more in the Qur’an, then they used man-made books called Hadiths (narrations) to create more perversions and sexisms to kill off this female gender even more, using lies against the righteous Prophet Muhammad and his early companions of “women” and men who were moral and strong warriors of morality and haters of evil and fought with their lives to bring this religion to the rest of the human race by also accusing them of being the perverts and sexists AS IF this religion would’ve grown so fast and almost took over the world and made humans come together in peace and enemies into friends “IF” it was this current evil Islam of today, — WHICH should show you their past Islam WAS moral and NOT this current filthy one since they achieved so much in the earth alongside each other as men and women who worked together, while Islam of today can only be concluded that a demon created it and distorted the authentic one of the Prophet’s time.

The Prophet was illiterate, as God’s way to protect him from the devil accusing him of writing the Qur’an or hadiths that’d soon after follow to ruin this great man’s honor of righteousness, but no Muslim wants to think of this, that duh, this is their Lord showing them the devil was still being allowed to have his past powers to distort God’s scriptures and this isn’t for other reasons necessarily nor a power the devil had of only in the past, so why can’ they believe it’s corrupted since it has evil and illogic in it that they can’t act on unless they want to rape and kill each other off and kill off Non-Muslims if they want to say no corruption is in it?

They just play dumb and obey their religious preachers same way the similar hate and extremism is in the Bible, but Christians don’t want to think either and question it even though their mind is going crazy like Muslims.

1 — because you the majority of the human race are evil, so you don’t care.

2 — because you don’t like it but you’re scared of your hypocrite religious preachers and sheikh’s as if they’re God.

3 — because the devil defeated you few who don’t like these perversions and sexism and have morality into believing God is actually this evil and perverted and sexist and thus would put you in hell if you go against it and so out of fear of hell put into you duh by the false hypocrite religious preachers who are all demonically possessed thus it’s actually their demons, the same demons who corrupted these scriptures, that are entering bodies of wicked perverted sexist males to spread their lies for their agendas to put the female and male gender against each other because to the devil, it’s Adam and Eve he’s breaking up which would also break up the family dynamic of non-blood related and non-extended family related male and female romantic love the species God creates all come from to thus also destroy future generations.

The devil always chooses perversions and sexisms to put into God’s scriptures for this reason rather than other evils because perversion is the highest evil God created since it’s predatory and violates the honor and soul and body and mind of the human as it decomposes them to worse than a object through rape and molestations and worse manners of torture to the honor of the human which is their body, precisely their private parts, and the devil mocks God and love and sexuality by calling perversions of rape and others, the terms, “Sexual”, “desire”, “human nature”, because it would be the perfect end or finish to kill off the victim’ psyche. Those words dno’t belong to predators same way love doesn’t belong to homosexuals, incest, pedophilia, beastiality, and even going after insects and calling all these self-harms and murders to each other and to each other’s honors and to God’s natural designs, the wrong terms they don’t have the right to use of, “love, sex, desire, attraction,” and other extreme perversions the other group of perverted humans have been corrupted into by demonic spirits.

Those terms, “love, sex, desire, attraction,” and similar only belong to non-blood related and non-extended family related male and female who are compatible age not more than 5 years older than each other, too old, too young, and going to kids and teenagers when you’re not their age, is rape, and perversion, unnatural list. Just because some humans are so filthy and get possessed and choose this, doesn’t mean anything about human nature or morality. they’re not the authors of morality or purity or nature, they’re just perverts and hate saying this so they fight so strongly to push this garbage using grooming using cultures and religions and entertainment industry, and wicked governments, and only your human conscious, your mind knows the truth, you know it’s evil and dirty, and predatory and hate. But you silence your tongue because the devil created a world for us where we are punished for speaking against evil and injustice, and rewarded if we silence our conscious or join in it or promote it same way lgbtq+ is doing to the world, the same demons who put perversions and sexisms into God’s scriptures so you would have no one to use as your defense to morality, not even God, because the devil accused God of being the pervert, who will save you?

God will, He will send down leaders who know how to kill the devil and his demonic agents once again, and evil will perish and justice will take over, through the attack being on the mind and heart to put knowledge, understanding, wisdom, prayer into it same way demonic spirits and devil put evil thoughts and feelings and mentalities and witchcraft into it, and NOT through guns and fighting or killing, because God’s supernatural leaders don’t come to increase violence, they came to teach you how to change hearts and minds of sinners like these different types of perverts I mentioned, and those same perverts who go into the government and use guns and imprisonment to intimidate you to silence because their demons tell them to do so, they’re just puppets. Thus, what God Almighty, His name being Allah, said in the Qur’an, in the areas the Qur’an is authentic is true about your enemy, such as when allah says in Surah Fatir (Chapter 35 in the Qur’an verses 2–8);

“Whatever of mercy (i.e.of good), Allâh may grant to mankind, none can withhold it, and whatever He may withhold, none can grant it thereafter. And He is the All¬Mighty, the All¬Wise. (2) O mankind! Remember the Grace of Allâh upon you! Is there any creator other than Allâh who provides for you from the sky (rain) and the earth? Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turning away (from Him)? (3) And if they belie you (O Muhammad SAW), so were Messengers belied before you. And to Allâh return all matters (for decision). (4) O mankind! Verily, the Promise of Allâh is true. So let not this present life deceive you, and let not the chief deceiver (Satan) deceive you about Allâh. (5) Surely, Shaitân (Satan) is an enemy to you, so take (treat) him as an enemy. He only invites his Hizb (followers) that they may become the dwellers of the blazing Fire. (6) Those who disbelieve, theirs will be a severe torment; and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, theirs will be forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise). (7) Is he, then, to whom the evil of his deeds made fair¬seeming, so that he considers it as good (equal to one who is rightly guided)? Verily, Allâh sends astray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills. So destroy not yourself (O Muhammad SAW) in sorrow for them. Truly, Allah is the All¬Knower of what they do! (8)”

The first quality of demons is they’re perverted, understand this first! So this is why this quality is widespread among humans. Almost everyone has been harassed by a perv weirdo female or male trying to touch them or stare or act dominant over them in daily society.

Join me for more wisdoms unknown on my Healing Guides podcast, and rest in the future through books and other ways I’ll spread awareness, In Shaa Allah (If God wills it/allows it)

Take care of yourselves



Hanna Barkhadle

Subscribe for short daily thoughts of healing words. Follow Podcast for unknown spiritual wisdoms changing all religions. 5+ books soon