Hannah Agbaje
2 min readAug 19, 2021

Life with Abba…
( A conversation between two colleagues at work)

Rich: (Eyeing her stylishly) You must really love this “Christianity” so much
Anne: (Smiling)But of course, I do.
Rich: How so? You don’t get tired and bored with all the rules and regulations, do you?
Anne:(Laughs) Rules and regulations where? There’s just Fellowship and Friendship here.
Rich: (Confused) What Fellowship and Friendship? Does your God come down to gist with you the way your friends do?
Anne: (Laughs victoriously) He gists with me pretty well, but He doesn’t have to come down. He’s inside me!! *This is The part where Anne rejoices*
Rich: (Looks at her with amazement) Inside You? Fellowship? Friendship? Now I don’t get this. This sounds nothing like what I have heard about Christianity and God generally.
Anne: You see… Perhaps, you have been hearing about it from the people who don’t understand the person of God. You see Rich, you are a believer… Right?
Rich: Well.. I think so. I just get so bored with all the rules and religion. It’s so much of a burden to me, it can be tiring too.
Anne: (Smiles) You see, that’s not even the first thing there is to it. It starts with fellowship, companionship and friendship. Then the ‘rules’ become a lifestyle… Something you now do out of an understanding of the life you have received. And this life with the Father is really sweet and beautiful.
Rich: (Now Interested) Tell me more..
Anne: (Now very excited) It all starts with knowing the facts of the gospel, and believing it too. Believing that all Jesus did, He did for you, He took your place on that cross. This is the genesis of a love so great! And the expression of it to us. You see, knowing that puts you in a place of assurance and confidence in His love. Then it becomes easy to enjoy life with Him…
… To be continued!

Hey…. How’s life been with Abba? ☺️