IoT collects our data, which becomes an asset to businesses. We have to think about whether the benefits of IoT are worth giving away our personal data for, before companies know absolutely everything about us.
I see IoT as a convenience to help make our lives easier so we can concentrate on the important things. For example if chores become automated, we can spend more time with our loved ones. I also believe that the development of IoT means that the job market is filled with creative career opportunities. We can leave the machines to do the boring, tedious work, while we come up with new cool ideas.
However the issue with IoT and job losses has clearly reduced opportunities available for uneducated workers, and we will need a better education system to prepare people for the modern job market from a young age. My main concern is that as job automation continues to grow, skill sets needed for newly created jobs will increase in complexity, taking humans longer to train. The real question is, can we keep up?