Day 17: Ways to win my heart

Hannah Bee
2 min readOct 22, 2022


This post is part of a 30 days writing challenge, inspired by these post and photo:

I like to really know people, find out about their life story and learn something new from each individual. I really enjoy observing gestures, body language, nonverbal communication, make connections between their past experiences and present personality. Maybe this is one of the reasons I’m called a good people reader. So, because of analyzing all these particularities, I have learned to appreciate each individual and its uniqueness. But, there might be some general characteristics that I really love in other people…

… Like kindness. I’ve learned this from my parents. Show me you’re a kind person and you definitely won my heart. Show me that you help that homeless man from the street, that you say hi and smile to the cleaning lady when entering the building you’re working in, that you’re empathetic with someone else’s tough situation, that you care about others’ people needs.

… Like loving nature and animals. That you enjoy spending time in nature and you appreciate it, you respect the environment and do the minimal for that, you respect animals and you don’t enjoy seeing them scared and you help them whenever you can.

… Like passion. I love to see passion in people, in their eyes. Talking so intensely about something that you make me interested in the most boring subject ever. Passion about your work or your hobbies or just life.

… Like being authentic, being real, being you. You probably heard this before, but confidence is very sexy and makes anyone beautiful. You just shine when you’re confident, you know your power, you know you.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Very related to the authenticity part, I strongly recommend you to discover yourself and be yourself. Sure, it’s good to be open minded and learn new things about and from other people that might also suit you and your personality, but don’t lose yourself into that. Don’t try to follow a pattern because it just seems interesting or in trend. This is the way to feel fulfilled and to create sustainable connections with other people. Your energy will attract the right people with whom you’ll connect.

