Why I Like People Watching

The benefits of watching strangers

Hannah Ellen
4 min readJul 5, 2020
Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

I people watch.

I am what some would call a nosy person but I see it in a different light. I don’t stalk people or anything crazy like that, I just observe others from a distance when I am out and about. I have found that people watching is the key to becoming wiser in every sense of the word.

Since a very young age I have people watched. From sitting in a restaurant watching other families and couples interact to observing random people that I pass by on the street. There is an endless amount to be learned from simply watching other people interact with the world around them.

Many people have attached a stigma to people watching, they think people who engage in it are rude and nosy but in reality, it is no different to looking through a strangers profile media page online, however it does give a much more realistic and insightful view of someone's life and their story.

So, why should you people watch?

1. To be more present in the moment

In this day and age everyone is always distant from the present moment, whether that be on their phone or thinking about the next thing that has to be done, it’s rare for people to just be thinking about the…



Hannah Ellen

Just an average, Irish girl with not so average ideas. I enjoy writing about lifestyle, self improvement, fitness, health and anything else that takes my fancy.