Why the Toxic TikTok Diet Culture Needs to Stop

TikTok is promoting anorexia to young teens and nobody is talking about it

Hannah Ellen
3 min readJun 29, 2020
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

TikTok’s algorithm has been filling my for you page with 60 second videos of girls showing what they eat in a day. However, these videos never surpass 1,400 calories when all the food is added up.

This is disturbing in itself as this is severely undereating and can lead to a multitude of health problems, especially when the majority of these girls are teenagers that are still growing and developing.

Firstly undereating can cause malnutrition which is linked to many diseases. A result of constantly undereating, is becoming severely underweight and developing anorexia nervosa.

Anorexia nervosa has serious health complications, especially if developed at a young age such as osteoporosis, hemodynamic, hematologic and endocrine abnormalities which leads to cardiovascular diseases and multi organ failure as well as fertility problems in the future even after weight gain.

All of these health complications are disturbing on their own, however what is even more disturbing is the comments and captions on these videos. The captions are mostly along the lines of, ‘what I eat in a day, kind of a lot’ or ‘healthy what I eat in a day’. This is suggesting…



Hannah Ellen

Just an average, Irish girl with not so average ideas. I enjoy writing about lifestyle, self improvement, fitness, health and anything else that takes my fancy.