Life Update

Day: ????????? in Quarantine

Hannah King
5 min readApr 3, 2020

What day is it?

Hey guys! It’s been a hot minute since I have been on here. I have actually done a lot since I last wrote on here. I am trying my best to stay positive through this whole time, but I have actually gone through a lot.

First off, I have said this in previous blog posts, but the uncertainty of not knowing whether I’ll have the rest of senior year SUCKS. I have managed to grasp the concept in my head that we potentially might not finish off senior year. It’s hard to accept, but I have came to the conclusion that it’s okay. I am hoping that prom and graduation at the worst case would be postponed, but it’s alright if those things get canceled. It’s just crazy to me because I actually picked out my dress ahead of time and got a date to prom. I haven’t had a date to a dance since freshmen year, so I was really looking forward to actually having someone going with me.

May I mention that I HATE ONLINE CLASSES. I have five online classes right now because they are all WITCC classes. My classes include Human Relations, Vector Drawing, Composition II, American Government, and Audio Productions. Although some of these classes can be moved online, classes like Vector Drawing and Audio Productions are more hands-on classes and we do not have access to the software on our school laptops. Kudos to those teachers for finding other assignments for us to do help us to continue to receive the credit, but boy I wanted to grow on my vector drawing skills (drawing online) and audio production management skills (learning how to balance audio and mixing audio.)

My favorite class online has been my Human Relations class because I feel like I still have a connection with the class and I find what we are learning the most entertaining and engaging. The teacher sets up a Zoom call every week for our class and makes me happy to see my classmates every now and then, even if it’s not actually face-to-face. I am grateful to get to talk to people besides me family.

Some things I have been doing around the house have included playing board games with the family, taking family walks, drawing using sidewalk chalk, learning new recipes, cherishing family dinners at the table, and much more.

Honestly the first week of this was so hard.

It felt like everything was being stripped away and taken away from me. I became sick from allergies, but I think honestly part of it was stress. Since this whole thing started, I had been puking several times in a week with headaches. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and they told me it was just allergies SO BLESS UP. I am very grateful that it’s nothing more serious. I have come to the point where I am just thankful for what I do have and I am cherishing moments with my family. My work closed, school canceled, and we are supposed to limit our interactions with other people.

I know that I am a very going-going person. Typically during the school year, I am hardly home to even eat a dinner meal at the table, let alone spend personal time with the family. I have taken the time to actually cherish these times with my family because I have realized the importance of being in the moment with others. I know that once this is over, I will take time to cherish those around me and the things around me.

Tonight, I decided that we should have a nice “fancy” dinner. It wasn’t much, but I pulled out a bed sheet from our laundry room, the old candles in our hutch that have never been used, and some old chinaware that we haven’t ever used. It was so simple, but it was fun to just enjoy the presence of the family and a nice candle lit dinner.

It is currently 12:24 and I have decided to take some photos because why not? Here are some of the photos I took:

p.s. my hair looks red, but it’s not! I want to dye my hair, but I am waiting until after graduation.

simple photos I took on the couch in my living room with the school camera I still currently have because I forgot to turn it in! (opps)

The camera I am using is from the school I obviously I haven’t been able to turn that in because well… ya know, no school. I mean it will eventually get back to the school… I think. I mean I have two saxophones, an audio recorder, a camera, a computer, and a computer charger that all belongs to the school, so I think at some point I’ll probably have to return everything. Maybe not now though, so I am going to use this camera to my advantage in the weeks to come! This camera is AMAZING because it has a live view screen that you can face towards you and makes for great selfies and vlogging, so I am taking this to my full advantage to create some art!

Keep yourself busy at home.

Cherish these moments with the family.

Try not to go out too much.

Keep your social distance.

Catch up with people.

Don’t spend too much time on social media.

Appreciate what you have right in front of you.

With care,

Hannah King

Miss ya’ll so much.

