“Tyler” from Vexed Esports on the upcoming ALGS LAN: “I am feeling pretty confident”

As the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) sits on London’s doorstep, “Tyler” from Vexed Esports discusses their approach to the upcoming competition.

Hannah Marie ZT
3 min readFeb 2, 2023

Over the past week, teams have been boot camping in London and beyond, with Vexed Esports finding their home in Manchester to prepare for the ALGS LAN. Securing 3rd place in Split 1 over November and December 2022 in the EMEA region places Vexed in a prominent position ahead of the tournament.

Vexed Esports’ “fragger”, Tyler ‘Tyler’ Wood — the player responsible for most fight initiation in a role that often determines the results of team fights — has attracted attention ahead of the competition. During Split 1, Vexed broke the record for the most kills in a Pro League game, and Tyler Himself achieved the most kills for a single player. Considered by many to be one of the best fraggers in the EMEA region, the UK player will certainly be one to watch in the upcoming tournament.

Vexed Esports saw some incredible moments during the main split. Does the perhaps surprising result of the EMEA Regional Finals cause any concerns for the team, or do you think the regional final winner, Fire Beavers, had a miracle run that day?

Tyler: I think regional finals weren’t our best performance, and we could (and would have liked) to play better, but Fire Beavers was no surprise. They are one of the best teams in Europe and probably the only team we think can keep up with us.

With your performance during the main split, are you feeling more pressure heading into Playoffs?

T: Going into Playoffs, I am feeling pretty confident in both myself and my team — but it is a Battle Royale, and anything can happen. We will try our best, give it our everything, and give a performance we are proud of.

Seeing as LAN is held in the UK this year, are there any other UK players you are watching out for?

T: No, to be honest I am not really looking out for anyone or any team in particular, but of course I am very happy there are a lot of UK players who qualified. If I had to give names, of course SirDel and Jmw are the two best players who come to mind from the UK.

Finally (to have a question less focused on LAN) — we have seen exciting news from the NA region from TSM, who has just signed a women’s Apex Legends roster. Do you think some EMEA teams should follow this example?

T: Yes, of course, TSM signing a women’s Apex team is huge for both scenes, and I’m very happy they are finally getting the recognition they deserve. Hopefully, other organisations follow in their footsteps — the scene can only grow with more involvement.

Hearing Tyler’s confidence in Vexed, the team will hopefully put on a competitive performance as the ALGS kicks off. Meanwhile, his comments on TSM’s new roster signings will hopefully encourage a trend of further investment in women’s esports.

Good luck to Vexed as the group stages start! If you want more details on UK players to watch at the London ALGS Playoffs, head to https://esports-news.co.uk/ to read more!



Hannah Marie ZT

Hi! I am a freelance esports journalist and content writer based in London, UK. I focus primarily on Apex Legends and women's esports, and gaming!