Meme Speaker

Hannah Miller
2 min readApr 11, 2017


This presentation was centered around the idea that memes are just a usage of “remix”. Remix is the idea that someone creates something and other people can be creative and use that and make it into something else with there own creativity . This was a very interesting concept, I definitely was not expecting to being talking about memes in a philosophical way but it was interesting getting a different view point of them. He gave a few examples of how people have been creating these remixes for the beginning of time. A recent one that he showed was of the guy that saw a double rainbow and he posted the video on YouTube. You never see the guy in the video but you can hear what he says. It is very hysterical because he makes it seem like he’s never seen a rainbow before and says “what does that even mean”. People took that and ran with it and created many memes as well as a remix songs to this mans video. The speaker demonstrates how this is just a small glimpse into what people can do to be creative with what other people have already put out there on the web. I never would have thought that memes had so much meaning and creativity behind them. I thought it was a very interesting presentation.

