
Anonymous Anxiety
1 min readJan 18, 2018

We expect a lot out of people. Not just our family and friends. But also ourselves. Especially ourselves.

Over the past few months, I’ve grown to truly understand what is expected out of myself. To have a good education and be a diligent student. To be a grateful daughter. To be a caring sister. To be a selfless friend. I get it. What I don’t get - and find hard to understand - is how for the latter, things are barely reciprocated.

So I ask myself, why do I show gratitude and respect to the ones who 50% of the time do not show the same?

Because I’m an idiot.

I don’t only try to be the selfless, caring, and loving person who constantly shows respect. I know that I am. That might sound egoistic, to a certain extent. But it’s the truth. And the second I start to believe in my own truth is the moment I can care less. And get offended by less.

So to whoever is reading this and can relate… Do more. Hope for more. But expect and care less.

