Donna Tartt as one of the best modern classist

2 min readJun 8, 2024


Donna Tartt is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished novelists of contemporary literature, often noted for her classicist approach to storytelling. For some, she’s considered one of the best authors of the 21st century, since her works, characterized by detailed plots, richly developed characters, and a deep engagement with themes of art, beauty, and morality, often stand out from the mass.

Tartt’s debut novel, ,,The Secret History’’ (1992), embodies her classicist tendencies. The story revolves around a group of elite college students whose obsession with ancient Greek culture leads them to commit murder. This narrative not only evokes classical Greek tragedy but also explores timeless themes of fate, and the ethical implications of intellectual elitism. The structure of the novel, with its prologue and epilogue building the main story, echoes the formal elegance of classical literature, while the detailed character studies reflect remembrance of the great Victorian novelists.

In ,,The Goldfinch’’ (2013), which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, Tartt continues her exploration of classic themes through the story of Theo Decker, a young boy who survives a terrorist attack at an art museum and gets sunk into the world of art and antiques. Author’s narrative technique, which interweave past and present, and her reflections on the role of art in human experience, follows classical traditions while also addressing present issues.

In essence, Donna Tartt’s bibliography exemplifies the relevance of classical literature in modern storytelling. Her ability to combine ancient themes with contemporary narratives makes her one of the greatest modern classicists, whose literary work connects the past and present, enhancing the cultural tapestry of our century.

Next Novel?

While writing, Donna Tartt takes her time quite literally. To create such complex piece of literature she usually needs around a decade. Or at least that’s a recurring pattern of her so far published novels. Tartt’s texts have been printed sequentially in 1992 (,,The Secret History’’), 2002 (,,The Little Friend’’) and 2013 (,,The Goldfinch’’). Should we expect a new narrative anytime soon, given that it has been eleven years since her last one? — This only remains as an unconfirmed speculation, because the writer vaguely anonymous manner doesn’t give us any hints. There are rumors abound within the literary community on the fourth novel, were readers create various theories surrounding topic. Furthermore, it’s important to mention that Tartt has expressed her ambition to complete a total of five books. Thus we should look up to her future work and appreciate the one she has already published.

