Intuitive Eating and Healing Through Food

2 min readJun 20, 2020


It’s important to understand that this is a part of a much larger and deeper conversation, but it may be safe to say that many people struggle in their relationship with food. There is no shortage of information online when it comes to dieting, but what is lacking is a focus on intuitive eating and healing through food. There is a strong connection between our mental health, eating tendencies, and a commitment to healing. This link is the first step in mastering the practice of Intuitive Eating.

Intuitive eating is an approach that recognizes food as fuel. It is a gentle reminder that we are eating to nourish and ground ourselves, as opposed to eating as a distraction from emotion or a form of self-sabotage. Our emotions can be the guiding force when we reach (or don’t reach) for food. The distinction between hunger and emotion is an important part of the journey of healing through food.

Here are some tips to welcome the practice of intuitive eating into your lifestyle:

  1. Ground Yourself. Before eating, begin your meal with a glass of warm water and three deep full breaths. Remind yourself that you are eating to fuel your body and not to feed your emotions. Offering yourself the space to come into your body will allow you to identify any emotional blockages that may be driving your ‘hunger.’ There might be something deeper going on that calls for your care and attention.
  2. Find Gratitude and Presence. Being present during the preparation, serving, and eating of your meals will bring a sense of gratitude to the process. Don’t overthink yesterday’s food choices or worry about your future physique goals. Focus on the plate of food and nourishment in front of you, this will bring your full attention to the present.
  3. Eat Slowly. Savoring every bite of your meal and chewing your food mindfully will help you eat slower. Not only does this step establish a stronger connection of gratitude between you and the food you’re eating, but it also aids with digestion and satiation.
  4. Check-In. It’s important to be aware of how certain foods can make your body feel. Start paying attention to what foods trigger intolerances and uncomfortable responses in your body, energy levels, and thought patterns. This will lead you to gravitate towards foods that only make you feel your best.

“Everything we do is infused with the energy in which we do it” Hitomi Mochizuki

Your relationship with food deserves to be rooted in self-care. Approach your food with love and your mind, body, and soul will thank you.

WHW — Wishingherwell

