How to Outsource to India? (Easy Way to Save Thousands)

Hanna Norris
7 min readAug 13, 2019


Every enterprise regardless of their size and type, prefer to outsource their technological requirements. The sole purpose behind collaborating with an offshore technology partner is to maximize their revenue by optimizing business processes.

Specifically, when you choose to outsource to India, it comes with added benefits. So, in this post, we are going to discuss how to outsource to India effectively!

1. Select the Best Outsourcing Partner

Before you consider outsourcing, it is better to evaluate your technology partner. Thus, the initial step should be to ask yourself what your requirements are. As the owner of the company, it is imperative to identify your business goals and prepare a roadmap to achieve those goals.

a) Expertise Comes in First Place

After identification of your business needs, lookout for a reliable outsourcing service provider. Therefore, make sure you shortlist them and gather true information about the company and how they work. Here are things that you should consider while evaluating outsourcing partners:

  • Skillset
  • Access to the latest technology
  • Project portfolio
  • Technical expertise
  • Communication
  • Adhere to deadlines

It is always better if you have an elaborate discussion with the technical lead so that you can work on the project and the team of dedicated developers can work on agile or hybrid development models.

b) Market Reputation

Never compromise of quality. Look for the best software development company to work with. Never work with a team which not polite and always misses deadlines. Make sure the outsourcing partner adds value to your business.

In the world which is connected with social media platforms, it is not difficult to analyze a company. Website testimonials, google reviews, and social media platforms can help you with this. If you still have any doubt, it is best to connect with one of their previous clients and know their experience working with the vendor.

c) Flexibility and Post-Deployment Support

Flexibility is very important to understand how much support is provided is there is an urgent requirement. This also includes future bug fixation and software updating.

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d) Data Security

Data security and privacy are one of the major concerns when it comes to choosing a partner. You will be sharing your sensitive business information with the vendor, so make sure they keep it confidential. If everything is not managed by a professional, data can be misused. So, sign a brief contract with your technology partner, before you set up an offshore development center.

2. Select the Outsourcing Pricing Model

The second and another important step to outsource to India is to figure out what type of outsourcing model is good for our business. Moreover, this process starts with an internal assessment that involves taking an honest look at your in-house development team, the experience, and capabilities.

a) Fixed-Price Model

This type of outsourcing model works best when used for projects that have predefined tasks, fixed requirements, and predictable time frame. This model requires the client to give a detailed document of the project requirements so that the manager can assign the work.

The highlighted features of the model are:

  • Clarity: Everything is transparent because the project requirements are specified beforehand in the form of a document.
  • Precision: The project scope and deadline are known in advance so that the developers hired can set deadlines and monitor the project’s progress accordingly.
  • Accountability: A reliable outsourcing partner will accomplish the project on time and within the limited budget, even if it means a few more extra working hour.

b) Time and Material Model

This one is a more flexible approach for IT outsourcing. Using this approach you can accomplish the tasks in small portions in billable hours. It is a pay-as-you-go model, where you will only pay for the work done. The time and material model is more suited for long term projects where the final requirements are not predefined.

Here are the highlights:

  • Flexibility: The project scope can be changed, so are the requirements or size of the time in order to meet the business objectives
  • Transparency: The client has control over the budget and pays for the final results that are eventually delivered.
  • Efficiency: This type of model is the best for agile scrum development projects where short sprints result in delivering tangible results.

c) Dedicated Outsourcing Team

This approach is the combination of features of the above-mentioned models so this is better than them. The outsourcing partner builds the team according to the client’s requirement and the team can be directly managed by the client remotely.

The highlights of the model are:

  • Predictability: The bills are formed on a predictable and transparent basis and the clients pay for the results.
  • Adjustability: The team size, the scope of the project and anything can be needed wherever and whenever required.

3. Have Clear Communication

Setting up clear communication from the beginning is crucial for the success of the software development project. The best outsourcing company in India will ensure that your company stays updated on the progress of the development team and this way, everyone stays on the same page.

Speak with the potential software outsourcing partner about their way of communication style. If there is an open path of communication, it will save time as everyone is clear about the expectations. The outsourcer feels that the remote team is the extension of their in-house team.

As outsourcing has become more widespread, many collaborative tools have been introduced to make working with the development team considerably simpler. The popular collaborative tools are:

a) Basecamp:

When it comes to project management on the web, Basecamp is the first name that comes to mind. Basecamp has plenty of features like group discussions, file uploading, chat functionality, due date tracking, event organization, file upload, project templates, and document sharing.

b) Slack:

Having millions of users across the globe, this instant messenger communication tool is one of the favorites. This incredibly smart platform is accessible with smartphones and desktop devices. Slack helps in sending direct messages or sharing files to a single person or a group in an organized manner.

c) Trello:

Available on web and mobile, it allows you to organize projects and then work on them. The platform gives the opportunity to work on board lists that can be organized by the team. There is also an option to assign comments to the cards.

d) Asana:

This tool helps you stay on the top of the workflow so that a to-do list is created and the task is projected on the board, set deadlines, reminders, comments on different posts. Keeping track of how the project is processing is easy with this tool.

e) Dropbox:

Dropbox is one of the best document sharing software. When anything is shared via this tool, it can be viewed by all the members of the team. The features include file sharing, file storage, file recovery, file transfer, and the link sharing with the help of email.

f) Skype:

This desktop application or mobile app helps in making free calls worldwide. Anyone can also send text messages, voice messages, video messages Via Skype. Sharing any file, recording voicemails are the features that make it ideal for business as a meeting can be conducted while on the

There are many other tools like Jira, Virtual Whiteboard, Goto Meeting, Podio, Google Keep, Red Pen, Visme that helps in managing the project remotely.

What Makes India an Outsourcing Hub?

Whenever one thinks of outsourcing, India is the first destination that comes to mind. The IT boom that India has experienced in the last 20 years has led to unprecedented growth and top rank in the world’s number one outsourcing destination.

Here are the reasons why India should be the priority for an outsourcing software project:

1. Population: Having the second highest world population 133.92 crores, the software developers growth keeps growing dynamically. This makes it easy to find the best talent at cost-effective prices.

2. Software industry size: Being a massive country, the size of the Indian software industry is huge i.e., $129.5 billion that is even bigger than Europe. In fact, the outsourcing sector revenue has risen from 1.2% of the national GDP in FY 1998 to approximately 9.3% in FY 2016. The Indian software industry keeps proving itself globally, and there are many good companies in India that have mastered successful delivery of the great project.

3. Fortune 500 companies: Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Google, IBM, Adobe, and more have set up their software development centers in India because they rely on dedicated offshore developers. Approximately 30% of the Oracle employees of the world are based in India, and this depicts that there is a mature talent pool in the country with proven experience of collaboration.

4. Budget-friendly option: This is the most enticing reason why many prefer to outsource to India. According to Glassdoor, the average salary of a software developer in Bangalore is $8,700 while in the US it is ten times more.

5. No language barrier: India is the second-largest English speaking country in the world after the US. This makes it easy for clients to understand and make discussions regarding the process of development.

Wrapping Up

Today, the business needs to focus on effective management strategy within the budget to have a successful outsourcing product in the end. The satisfaction level of your customers directly influences the growth of your business. For this complete focus should be on the betterment of the development process. In short, keep the aforementioned points in mind and outsource to India successfully.

How to Outsource to India? (Easy Way to Save Thousands) — This blog was originally published on Your Team in India

