2 min readSep 26, 2020

The challenge no one warned us about.

I guess no one ever mentioned to you while growing up that life would treat you as it currently is. I for example thought that all I needed was to study hard,be a good girl and serve God faithfully but then life threw me off balance as I grew.

It gave me all sorts of feeling; disappointment,anger, shame, overwhelming sadness..just nam joine it

In your early 20s, the pressure is so great that you feel the whole world closing in on you.

And then you start thinking of a way out, a way to secure the future. Then you begin to explore options outside what you initially planned. You try arts or craft, learning a trade or investing in your known skills.
But then!

It doesn't seem like it's working!!
The handiwork! The creatives! The sleepless night! The sacrifices!
It's not paying off

But then the extent of how productive what you venture into, is not solely dependent on your efforts.
It depends on TIME

Some of us are not where our handiwork should make us be, not where your Bsc/Ph.d should make us stand,not where our potential and creatives should take us to.

And yet some others are not putting half the effort we are putting, and are far ahead of you, making you feel depressed/sad.

As long as the concept of time is understood, you'll see it's just a matter of time.

And yet some others are not putting half the effort we are putting, and are far ahead of you, making you feel depressed/sad.

As long as the concept of time is understood, you'll see it's just a matter of time.

Some people never used the old version of any gadget. They just always had the latest version. And then someone of us never did.
TIME makes everything useless.
TIME made an iphone 6, a blackberry, a 2001 Mercedes Benz useless.
So you see when the time is right, it will come through.

I know you're scared,
Scared that the world is playing right in front of you and you're left out,
Scared that history is about to repeat itself with him.
I know, I know

Be patient,just keep improving yourself. Doors will open when you least expect them to.

Stay jiggy