Apply These 8 Secret Techniques To Improve Aeroplane Window

hanook samuel
3 min readJan 7, 2024


Apply These 8 Secret Techniques To Improve Aeroplane Window

I. Introduction

Flying has become an integral part of our lives, and aeroplane windows play a crucial role in shaping our travel experiences. In this article, we’ll explore eight secret techniques to enhance your aeroplane window moments and make your journey more enjoyable.

II. Technique 1: Optimal Seating

Choosing the right seat can significantly impact your aeroplane window experience. Consider factors like window alignment, proximity to the wing, and the aircraft type. Optimal seating ensures an unobstructed view and a smoother ride.

III. Technique 2: Window Maintenance

Clean windows contribute to clearer views. Avoid scratches and smudges by using gentle cleaning solutions and microfiber cloths. A well-maintained window ensures you won’t miss out on the breathtaking landscapes outside.

IV. Technique 3: Utilizing Window Shades

Window shades are not just for blocking sunlight. Learn how to use them strategically to control glare, enhance visibility, and create a personalized ambiance. Mastering window shade manipulation adds an extra layer of comfort to your journey.

V. Technique 4: Photography Hacks

Capture the beauty of the sky and landscapes below with these photography hacks. From adjusting camera settings to finding the perfect angles, even amateur photographers can turn their aeroplane window into a personal gallery.

VI. Technique 5: Mindful Timing

Timing is everything when it comes to maximizing natural views. Discover the best times to fly for stunning sunrises, sunsets, and mesmerizing city lights. Plan your trips to align with nature’s spectacle for an unforgettable journey.

VII. Technique 6: Enhancing Comfort

Transform your window seat into a cozy nook. Bring along pillows, cushions, and blankets to create a comfortable space. Elevate your travel experience by making your aeroplane window seat the most sought-after spot on the plane.

VIII. Technique 7: Window Seat Etiquette

Respect your fellow passengers by mastering window seat etiquette. Learn how to navigate shared spaces with consideration, ensuring everyone can enjoy the views without discomfort.

IX. Technique 8: Entertainment at Altitude

Combine technology with nature to make your aeroplane window experience more entertaining. Explore apps, games, and interactive maps that complement the scenic views outside. Immerse yourself in both the digital and natural worlds simultaneously.

X. Conclusion

In conclusion, applying these eight secret techniques will undoubtedly elevate your aeroplane window experience. From choosing the right seat to mastering window shade manipulation, you can turn your journey into a memorable adventure. Make the most of every flight and create lasting memories with these simple yet effective strategies.


Q1: Can I clean aeroplane windows with regular glass cleaners?

It’s recommended to use gentle cleaning solutions specifically designed for aircraft windows to avoid damage.

Q2: How can I find the best seat for a great aeroplane window view?

Consider factors like window alignment, proximity to the wing, and the aircraft type when selecting your seat.

Q3: Are window shades only for blocking sunlight?

Window shades can be strategically used to control glare, enhance visibility, and create a personalized ambiance.

Q4: Can I take good photos from an aeroplane window with a smartphone?

Absolutely! Explore photography hacks like adjusting settings and finding the right angles for stunning shots.

Q5: How can I respect others’ space when sitting by the window?

Master window seat etiquette by being mindful of shared spaces and ensuring everyone can enjoy the views comfortably.

