Why did we start Hanseek?

Hanseek 한씩
3 min readJun 23, 2023


Team Hanseek is a dedicated team of three like-minded individuals who share a bond through their own experiences of living abroad. Hanseek was born out of a profound empathy towards the challenges faced by individuals living as foreigners in unfamiliar countries.

Yennie Oh

During my college years, I had the opportunity to volunteer with a global leadership group that helped foreign exchange students adjust to life in Korea. Every semester, I noticed that many students arrived in Korea filled with excitement, but faced cultural barriers that made it difficult for them to integrate into this culture. One of the biggest barriers was food. I made efforts to teach them about Korea’s distinctive food culture as much as possible, but there was only so much I could always be with them. That’s why I created this service, so that they could experience Korean culture even if they didn’t have a Korean friend to share it with them!

Heejae Jeong

I enjoy exposing myself to a new culture, just as I enjoy representing my culture to my global friends. I’ve been in a place where Korean culture was novel — Portland, where it was adored — Silicon Valley, or where my friends sought an authentic Korean experience in Korea. In each and every situations, one common challenge persisted. The vast diversity of Korean cuisine posed both delight and confusion. One menu cannot satisfy everyone, and there’s so much to know in how to eat Korean food. Moreover, the touristy areas do not represent the best Korean food. I wanted everyone to have the most authentic Korean food experience without having a local Korean around.

Miya Kweon

During my travels to various countries, I consistently encountered challenges in experiencing their local cuisine. I often found myself at a loss regarding the ingredients and proper dining etiquette, which led me to question why the needs of travelers were not taken into consideration. However, this realization eventually dawned on me that Korea, too, faced similar difficulties in catering to non-Korean visitors. It was a humbling experience that deepened my understanding of the struggles non-Koreans face when attempting to savor Hansik (Korean cuisine). Motivated by this newfound awareness, I made the decision to join this exceptional team.

Stay tuned for more narratives as we unravel the stories behind each member of our team at Hanseek in the future. Hanseek will strive to bring you the best information on Korean food and culture 🧡

