Fidel Castro Died, Not His Legacy.
Fidel Castro, Raul Castro, Hugo Chavez. This were names I grew up with, names that were more present in my everyday life than Power Rangers or Teletubbies.
His death had been rumored so many times. I remember once discussing this with my friends at school, I was 7 years old. Politics has always been a hot topic, and not just for me, but for the majority of Venezuelans. This man, the ‘revolutionary’, the president, the dictator, the murderer, whatever you like to call him, definitely caused a big impact on millions of people, still is and will do.
People don’t really see what he’s done. Cuba brought down to misery was only the beginning. My country Venezuela, for instance, one of the most advanced in the Americas in its time, now is starving, bleeding to death, and families being broken apart. All because the authority followed this man.
I am no politician, historian, or philosopher to analyze and evaluate the so-called Revolution. I am sure there were, at some point, some good intentions, but it’s not reflective on the outcome. I can tell you that it failed. Communism disguised by socialism at its best, something Chavez learned very well, and now the illegitimate president of Venezuela is mimicking.
I dare to say today, that politics must change, the economic system must change, capitalism as we know it must change, socialism as we know it must change, autocracy must vanish. We have made great technological advancements in the last few decades, but it seems like our basic intellect is just moving backward.
History, politics, economics, almost everything on society has a cycle; it makes me feel like we are all puppets under a bigger scenario. We should always be moving forwards, not around; we should constantly innovate, not duplicate.
This makes me think about the kind of mark I want to leave in this world. I know that whatever that is, I can’t just stick to one method or one ideology to accomplish it. I must not follow a single dogma to the foot because nothing is entire, nothing is perfect.
There must be a balance.
What are you doing today to break the cycle?
Much happiness,
Hansel | @hanselpahmer