Virtual and Augmented Reality

4 min readAug 24, 2020


What is Augmented Reality?

Simply Augmented Reality brings virtual elements into the real world. Let me explain it to you like this, Imagine holding on a device which displays details about whatever you’re pointing it at.(like if it is a restaurant it will display the menu, customer reviews etc). Won’t it be amazing if you can find out the name and the age of the stranger sitting next to you without asking? AR refers to a combination of real and computer generated world. Augments simply means ”adds-to”. What AR basically does is adding extra layers of digital information to a real world image caught on camera or video. This is very useful for getting instant information. A good example of an augmented reality app is Rec- organizer which links face recognition software to social networking profiles.But this seems to be attacked to privacy and data security.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual reality simply means experiencing a thing that doesn’t really exist through a device. It’s something like this ; when you listening to classical instrumental music and start dreaming about something that is not in front of you it’s like a kind of virtual reality. Lose yourself in a book or a movie ; Obviously that’s a kind of virtual reality. You will probably never go under the ocean, sing on a stage with an orchestra. But if virtual reality is used to it’s maximum; You’ll be able to do all these things without leaving home.I’ll explain my experience in virtual reality. I wore that VR box on my head. Suddenly I was in a huge building which was under construction. Even I heard the sound of helicopters and I was shivering and afraid to look down. The task I had to complete was walking on a plank on that building. Actually I screamed a lot.

A believable, interactive 3D computer-created world that you can explore so you feel you really are there, both mentally and physically.”

VR needs to engage both your body and your mind to be believable and interactive VR is different from Augmented Reality. It makes you think you are actually living inside that world which is responsive to what you respond.

Devices used in AR and VR

Virtual Reality

• Oculus Rift

• HTC vive

• Samsung Gear VR

• Google cardboard

• Treadmills and Haptic gloves

Augmented Reality

•Microsoft hold lens

• Magic leap light wear

• Epson moverio

• Google glass

• Meta 2

• Recon jet

  • Smart eye glass


In many fields these days they use these technologies for the efficiency of their work.Science, architecture, medicine, and the military all rely on VR technology in different ways.

Aviation and Tactics

Military, police, and firefighters use HMDs to display tactical information such as maps or thermal imaging data while viewing a real scene. In these fields it’s hard to train new people by using HMDs that has become easier as it can make the environment the trainee needs.Virtually place a trainee in a situation that is either too expensive or too dangerous in real life.

Medicine and research

Head Mounted Display have been used in various forms to assist surgeons and to support and improve visualization of the field.Students who are doing researches about various things often use HMDs to conduct studies related to vision, balance, cognition and neuroscience.Virtual reality also makes possible telemedicine (monitoring, examining or operating on patients remotely)

Video gaming and Sports

These devices are used for 3D gaming and entertainment applications. Eg: Forte VFX1, Sony, MechWarrior 2.(HMDs available for gaming) HMD systems have been developed for Formula One drivers.

“The HMD is part of an advanced telemetry system approved for installation by the Formula One racing communicate to the driver wirelessly from the heart of the race pit.”

-BMW Group-


HMDs provide stereoscopic views of computer-aided design (CAD) schematics. This is very useful for innovative engineers and scientists.Virtual Reality has become a key factor as it helps designers and engineers by enabling to interact with life size scale designs.From the beginning they can work with real size, workable products instead of prototyping.

Virtual Reality- Mars Exploration

