The Secret of Success

Little Things
3 min readAug 27, 2020


I used to ask myself, what is a success, and why are so many people willing to trade other things for it? Is simple success getting the job done? Or, is it a life of wealth? To what extent will perfection be considered successful? Let’s find out about success!

In terms of definition, I think success has many meanings. Each success is different, and everyone’s success is also further.
Some people only find success when they achieve remarkable goals, like making a lot of money, starting a business, or having a villa. These people have self-assessment criteria. They define their level of success based on their own rules.
Others think they are successful when they recognize them. These people rely on social criteria to evaluate themselves. They succeed when they win a contest and are praised by everyone.
Another group thinks that success is effort, no matter what the outcome and what others think.
So what is your definition of success? There are no suitable answers for everyone. What is important is whether your thoughts help you make the most of your potential.

Regarding the factors that lead to success, through studying many articles, reports, and presentations, I quote eight traits of successful people, which have been reviewed by St. John.

1. Passion.
Steve Jobs, I’m sure you know him, said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
It seems lengthy and theoretical. But the truth is, if we don’t love our work, everything we do is a little forced, and we certainly cannot achieve the highest results.

2. Hardworking
This is obvious. There isn’t anyone who succeeds without being hard at work. If we do not work hard, success will certainly say goodbye to us.

3. Focus on just one job
Our energy is like phone batteries. When the battery runs out, it can be fully charged, but it takes a while like we need to go to bed to get more power. So we need to focus our energy every day on one main job to get the best results.

4. Pushing yourself
Encourage yourself, both physically and mentally. Always have to self-push and to push.
But sometimes, it’s hard to motivate yourself, right? So, fortunately, God gave us a mother.
Motivate yourself by getting out of our safety zone. We must overcome shyness, doubt, and fear. St. John has come up with seven ways to help us motivate ourselves

  • Take a target to push you.
  • Get a challenge to push you.
  • Get deadlines to boost you.
  • Promote yourself with self-discipline.
  • Ask others to inspire you.
  • Get the competition to motivate you.
  • Get a tormentor to motivate you and a mentor to support you.

5. Good Ideas
I think the key here is creativity. For example, in business, a new and useful idea could be a new product, a new design, or a new way of doing things.

6. Improve
I think to have great success; we need to practice for many small successes. Whether it’s a career, project, product, or service, continual improvement means getting better every day and aiming for the best.

7. Serve
Ask yourself who you serve because users are only interested in how we can fix their problems. When we identify who we serve, we find out their problem, which we can solve. This is how people get rich.

8. Persist
Success is never easy. And the path to success always has a few traps of failure. For example, athletes invest many years of training, preparing for a few minutes or a few hours to reach the top.
I think talent doesn’t replace perseverance.

Richard St. John analyzed and published “eight traits of successful people” after directly interviewing more than 500 successful people, synthesizing over 1000 different success stories in all fields.

I think that success is not the destination, it is a journey. On this journey, there are many things that we must face. I fully believe that if we follow these eight traits, we will surely have success.



Little Things

Hi. I’m Hanna! I am learning English as my 2nd language. Welcome to my study space!