Neuroatypicality Is the Shamanism of Late Modernity

Neuroatypical people often have a mixture of very strong and very weak sides compared to the average. This puts them in a strange category besides the conventional hierarchies of society.

Hanzi Freinacht
9 min readJun 1, 2023


HotSpot prompt: Philosopher Diogenes playing the electric guitar.

A brief note on neuroatypicality in today’s world.

Why are so many metamodernists neuroatypical?

As an author on the topic of metamodernism I have not been able not to notice the extreme over-representation among metamodernists of some form of neuroatypicality and otherwise far-from average nervous systems:

  • from ADHD in its different variants (which alone may account for as much as fifty percent of the community) including what was formerly known as ADD, to high-functioning autism, to dyslexia, to highly sensitive persons, to unusual propensities for having spiritual experiences, to chronic fatigue syndrome, to lucid dreamers, to bipolar disorders, to non-cis genders and sexualities, to of course strong currents of psychedelic culture and experience.

As I have argued, metamodernism is the social current at the crux of the Triple-H population: Hackers, Hippies, Hipsters. Or Quadruple-H population, if you count Hermetics…



Hanzi Freinacht

The place to go to understand METAMODERNISM: art, design, philosophy, politics, spirituality, sociology, tech.