The new Hapi brand.

2 min readOct 9, 2016



From the beginning we have had much larger ambitions than selling nootropics. We firmly believe that to optimise ones body and brain effecitvely you need to go well beyond popping a pill.

We believe the most effective approach is to holistically optimise your sleep, diet, fitness and cognition in parallel. If you try to optimise just one area (cognition) and lack in all the others, you will be doing your body a disservice, and not really maximising your output in the long term. In fact, you could be doing more harm than good.

Our mission is to become a more general health and wellness company in the long term, that “disrupts” the healthcare industry, and really pioneers major change for the better.

The healthcare industry is notorious for focusing on a reactionary disease model, rather than a human potential model. This leads to a model where it’s more profitable to keep people sick, rather than truly helping them kick more ass by optimising their health from many angles.

Beyond nootropics

We started off as “Noots”, a company purely focused on building great nootropic products, with the goal of enhancing people’s cognitive abilities.

Nootropics are definitely where we will still be focusing on for the midterm, as it’s important that we conduct multiple clinical trials, and continue to revise our formulas to the point that they are widely proven as effective.

With that said, we wanted to create a more friendly brand, that focuses less on nootropics. Noots was very masculine and early-adopter orientated.

With Hapi, our aim is to build a much more approachable brand, that’s gender neutral and engages with a wider spectrum of people, not just hardcore biohackers.

Finally, we wanted to create a brand that sets us up for the future, and doesn’t restrict us to nootropics alone. Having a non-specific brand name provides us with the flexibility of becoming anything we want to be.

This will allow us to slowly achieve our goal of becoming a health and wellness company.

Further reading

  1. You can check out our new site here:
  2. Read more about our vision here:
  3. Learn about how we’re pushing for radical transparency here:


Learn more about product changes here.

— John, CEO.




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