Petty Cash Management Definition: A Process Set Up Guide

2 min readJan 14, 2023



Even if petty cash is only a small amount of money, it can nevertheless give you and your financial teams a lot of trouble. As we break down the topic for you, allow us to shed some light on it.

What is petty cash management?

Branch offices or departments keep modest sums of money in petty cash for errands or other little expenses. The imprest system is the foundation of petty cash and petty cash management systems. You put a starting sum of money into the petty cash fund. The money can then be used by the branches to cover unforeseen costs. When the fund reaches a predetermined limit, you can replenish it.

Most branches and departments that have a petty cash fund would typically set it up in a lockable box. Petty cash must be opened, kept up with, and recorded by a petty cash custodian. Businesses can appropriately handle these monies with the use of petty cash management. It makes sure that petty cash expenditures are properly accounted for. Despite their little size, petty cash items gradually pile up to something bigger.

Petty cash expenses can be recorded in the normal records of the company, just like other business expenses. Additionally, you can periodically reconcile petty cash balances with the entries made in the accounting books. To manage and safeguard the petty cash, precise accounting and tracking are used as internal controls. Most businesses have a distinct procedure for managing their petty cash, whether it is through human bookkeeping or an automated system.

Petty cash meaning

Cash on hand is another term for petty cash. The word “petite or little” is where the phrase originates, and offices, branches, or departments keep them for a variety of reasons.

Petty cash assists in providing clients with change so they can pay with cash for the goods or services being supplied if a place of business observes the presence of customers.
reimbursement for costs incurred when workers make purchases on the company’s behalf.You can use petty cash to pay for certain modest transactions that require cash. Petty cash is a little sum of money placed aside for unforeseen or trivial needs. These costs are often modest, one-time, and perhaps too little to pay with a check or credit card.

The majority of small firms typically have petty cash accounts. Large organisations and enterprises, on the other hand, will have petty cash for every location or department where they have offices.




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