Meet Team Happity — part 2

happity baby | UK
5 min readSep 13, 2017


So How Do You Do #WorkThatWorks ?

Gemma C’s story, Data Manager at Happity

Gemma is married with a son, three, and a daughter, two. They live in Leighton Buzzard

Who am I?… I’m Gemma and mum to Sam, 3, and Sophie, 2. With just a 13-month gap between them it often feels like I have a set of twins — toddler ones at that! I’m married to a very patient man and we all live in Leighton Buzzard.

I used to be a Logistics Manager for Xerox, which I loved, but the hours were long and stressful. Whilst I loved the job and the hectic life it created, it was only after I became a mum that I realised life has so much more to offer than the normal 9 to 5. I took redundancy whilst pregnant with Sophie — and have never looked back!

‘It was only after I became a mum that I realised life has so much more to offer than the normal 9 to 5’

I started working for Happity… in May 2017 after seeing a position posted online. I remember very clearly that I was in the bath just having a nosey online and literally shouted downstairs to the husband that I had just found the perfect job and emailed the founder Sara there and then! I applied for the job as it literally was perfect — the flexibility, the hours, the chance to grow with the company and be part of something fantastic

‘The job was perfect — the flexibility, the hours, the chance to grow with the company and be part of something fantastic’

I wake up at… when the children do — which can be anything between 5am and 6am on a good day. We tend to make our way downstairs for milk for the kids and a large cuppa for me! Once breakfast is done we get dressed and decide what the plan for the day is — mess somewhere is generally included.

My typical day involves… doing something with the kids or working on the data for Happity. My mum very kindly helps with the childcare, and I pretty much decide on a Friday what days and hours I want to work the following week, which can include daytime hours or night hours, all depending on what we have planned.

‘I pretty much decide on a Friday what days and hours I want to work the following week’

Why I love Happity… I absolutely love working for Sara and Happity. Working with such a fab bunch of inspirational ladies is a like a breath of fresh air. It literally is the perfect job. Everyone is supportive of each other and, unlike office environments (in my opinion), there are no office politics. I love getting up and going to work every day. Happity also provides me with ideas on what to do with the children so its fab in that respect too.

‘Happity also provides me with ideas on what to do with the children, so its fab in that respect too’

The biggest challenges of combining work with motherhood are… keeping that work/life balance. My priority is always to ensure Sam and Sophie are happy and not missing out. Happity allows me to have this balance and it works brilliantly. Sam and Sophie are more than happy to go to Nanny’s to have play dates and I can crack on with work.

One thing that makes my life easier: Since becoming a mum I have found that my slow cooker really is a life saver. When you are out all day with the kids it’s great to come home to a dinner. All I need to do is steam some veg and serve. It’s also great as it means only one pot to wash up rather than a load of pots and pans! Best £40 I have spent on a kitchen gadget.

‘My slow cooker really is a life saver. When you are out all day with the kids it’s great to come home to a dinner’

As a family we… like to spend time together at weekends. Sundays is dedicated family day and we go swimming in the morning followed by a play in the park. The afternoon is generally spent cooking and relaxing for the week ahead. I might grab a bath whilst daddy plays with the kids in the garden.

What keeps me sane… Teaching myself how to crochet (which is costing me a fortune in wool!) or reading a book.

My guilty pleasure… Watching TV in peace — dare I admit to watching TOWIE?!

How I make it work… I try to be as organised as possible — I find calendars and reminders on my phone enormously helpful. I try to make sure all the meals have been planned out for the week. To be fair, like most mums I just try to ‘wing’ it on a daily basis. If we get to the end of the day with as few tantrums as possible and everyone is one piece then life is good.

‘I wing it on a daily basis. If we get to the end of the day with as few tantrums as possible and everyone is one piece then life is good’

My Happity Hero: My fave class ever has to be Water Babies. Sam started when he was only four months old and he took to the water straight away. It gave him so much confidence in the water and it gave Daddy and son a chance to bond. At nearly three he is still a complete water baby. I fully recommend the classes as it not only teaches babies and children how to stay safe in the water but the confidence it gives them is amazing.

Read Meet Team Happity — Part 1, Rachel’s story, here

Happity is a web platform making it easy to find local baby and toddler classes. Built by a team of mums, for parents everywhere.

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