Understanding Agile Development: The Uses and Benefits in 2024

Happy Patel
3 min readMar 5, 2024


Embarking on the ideal project management strategy for your team can seem daunting. Given that nearly 86% of software development teams incorporate Agile methodologies into their daily processes, it’s essential to explore its implications.

What is Agile?

Agile methodology revolutionizes project management by breaking projects into iterative phases and fostering continuous collaboration and improvement. Unlike the traditional “waterfall” approach, Agile emphasizes cross-functional teamwork, open communication, and adaptive planning. While project leads or product owners prioritize deliverables, Agile teams take ownership of how tasks are executed, self-organizing around granular assignments. Agile isn’t bound by rigid practices but embodies a commitment to tight feedback loops and continual enhancement. The Agile Manifesto prioritizes people and interactions, allowing teams to tailor methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, or XP to suit their unique circumstances, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness in modern software development.

Key Agile Methodologies

Agile development encompasses several frameworks, each with its own set of principles and practices. Scrum is perhaps the most popular Agile framework, emphasizing short, time-boxed iterations called sprints, daily stand-up meetings, and product backlog management. Kanban focuses on visualizing work, limiting work in progress, and continuous delivery. Extreme Programming (XP) emphasizes engineering practices such as test-driven development, pair programming, and continuous integration.

Benefits of Agile in 2024

  1. Agile Design Thinking: a human-centered approach to innovation, seamlessly integrates with Agile methodologies, ensuring the creation of customer-centric products. Involves identifying and resolving issues iteratively through consistent feedback loops. By integrating Agile methodologies early in design thinking-based initiatives, businesses mitigate risks and reduce costly redesign cycles, leading to shorter development and testing phases.
  2. AI and Machine Learning Integration: These technologies serve as invaluable assets in analyzing growth data and projects, providing real-time insights and advanced analytics. AI facilitates precise forecasts regarding project completion timelines, crucial as projects near release phases, attracting close attention from executives monitoring schedules. It also enables thorough code checks with increased accuracy, aiding in bug detection and elimination to enhance product quality. Additionally, Agile teams leverage AI to integrate innovative technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA), Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and quantum computing, accelerating development timelines and expediting product launches.
  3. Cloud Agility: Agile teams are leveraging cloud-based technology to gain a competitive edge, exploring innovative approaches for forecasting, faster development, testing, and accelerated releases. By embracing domain-less computing, these teams eliminate the need for conventional server resources, reducing infrastructure and operational expenses. Organizations employing Agile cloud-based methodologies experience substantial competitive advantages, including increased efficiency, heightened agility, faster market responsiveness, reduced costs, and improved customer service. Cloud technology has the potential to act as a catalyst for agility.

Agile Tools and Technologies

Agile teams rely on various tools and technologies to support their development processes. Project management software such as Jira, Trello, or Asana helps teams track tasks, manage backlogs, and collaborate effectively. Version control systems like Git enable teams to manage code changes and collaborate on codebases. Collaboration platforms such as Slack or Microsoft Teams facilitate communication and information sharing. Automated testing tools like Jenkins or Travis CI automate the testing and deployment process, ensuring code quality and reliability.

Future Trends in Agile

Looking ahead, emerging trends in Agile development include Agile at scale, DevOps integration, Agile marketing, and Agile beyond IT. Agile at scale addresses the challenges of scaling Agile principles and practices across large organizations or complex projects. DevOps integration aims to streamline the software development lifecycle by combining development and operations processes, enabling faster delivery and greater reliability. Agile marketing applies Agile principles to marketing activities, enabling teams to respond quickly to market changes, test ideas, and measure results. Agile beyond IT extends Agile principles to non-technical teams and departments, such as HR, sales, or customer service, to improve efficiency, collaboration, and customer satisfaction.






Happy Patel

Computer Science and Business Administration Student @ University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University | Aspiring Product Manager