Trash Day

October 25, 2010

1 min readJun 14, 2014

I forgot to take out the trash tonight…

and last Wednesday, too.

I’m pretty sure I would’ve remembered eventually.

I mean, I’ve only been taking the trash out

every Wednesday and Sunday

since we moved here.

And on the days that I forgot,

Daddy would do it.

So it ALWAYS got done.

Well, Daddy doesn’t see it like that.

Oh no, not at all.

You know what he did?

He came downstairs and told Mommy:

“So, YOUR daughter has been talking to her friends at school,

and they’ve been putting ideas in her head, and now

she’s trying to BOYCOTT us!”

Really now.

And then, he went on for 15 minutes…

and all I could do was sit there

and stare down at my half-eaten spaghetti,

my anger and frustration successfully masked

behind a stoic face.

Because you know what?

It never matters if he’s wrong,

‘cause still, he’s right.

