Memory Management in Python

Rupesh Mishra
2 min readJul 2, 2022


Photo by Fredy Jacob on Unsplash

Memory management is the process of efficiently managing computer memory (RAM). It involves allocating a piece of memory at run-time to the program when the program requests it and freeing the allocated memory for re-use when the program no longer needs it.

In languages like C or Rust, memory management is the responsibility of the programmer. The programmer has to manually allocate memory before it can be used by the program and release it when the program no longer needs it. In Python, memory management is automatic! Python automatically handles the allocation and deallocation of memory.

In this article, we will discuss the internals of memory management in Python. We’ll also cover how fundamental units, such as objects, are stored in memory, different types of memory allocators in Python, and how Python’s memory manager efficiently manages memory.

Understanding the internals of memory management in Python helps in designing memory-efficient applications. It also makes it easier to debug memory issues in an application.

Table of Contents

Python as a Language Specification

What is CPython

Memory Management in CPython

Does a Python process release memory?

Garbage Collection in Python

Let’s start with understanding Python as a language specification and then dive deep into CPython!

You can read the full article here

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